Róisín Dubh

From AmtWiki

A Barony of the Wetlands, located in Tyler, Texas.


Roisin Dubh.jpg


Roisin Dubh is located in Tyler, Texas and is part of the Kingdom of the Wetlands. This chapter was renamed from Rogue's Haven in 2009 by Jameson while Sir Worrak Darkedge and him were trying to revitalize the park. Jameson had came up with the name from A flogging molly song, With the original heraldry being a Red hand taken from Jameson's family coat of arms.

Merged with Wolfpine Valley to pick up the Roisin Dubh contract, but retain the Wolfpine Valley name in July 2016.

Roisin Dubh is now a defunct park and is no longer located in Tyler, Tx.



Bael Silverflame


[email protected]


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