
From AmtWiki


Squire Raion no Hitorimono, Shire of Bandit Flats East, Freehold


My personal heraldry.

Pronunciation Guide

For those of you with Gaijin tongues and therefore have a problem with pronouncing my name.

Raion = Think Lion, but with an R sound in front
Hitorimono = He-toe-re-moe-no


  • Hitorimono started playing Amtgard on March 23, 2003.
  • "Gael" was his first persona name.
  • The Duchy of Querna Tema was his first home and played there until the fall of 2004.
  • The Shire of Gehenna Plains was his second home and he played there until June 2006.
  • The Shire of the Shattered Lands was his third home and he played there til August 2008.
  • The Shire of Bandit Flats East is his current home, though it is 3 hours from his house.

Belted Family

Is squired under Shogun Jynx Mercades and is squire brother to Quynn Fyresong Mercades.

Affiliated Groups

Additional Information