Abiliegh Cross

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Baroness Squire Captain Abiliegh Cross Stormblade-Darkjester, of Mystic Springs, Celestial Kingdom

”Blame Abi”
"Dude, this window totally rolls down"
"The BeeP wills it."
"What did you just do? ....... I felt it through the concrete."



Abiliegh Cross, devious female extrordinare, has been playing the game for long enough. Ask her, she might just tell you. She's traveled to events all across the vast amt-world, and she's called several different kingdoms her home, though she can currently be found in Mystic Springs of the Celestial Kingdom. She's part pirate, part gypsy, and part "just plain evil"... and that isn't even her persona...

The Random Facts

It's Abi's fault.
Abi is roommates with Sir Grendel-CK and Larkspur
Her favorite weapon is a madu.
She can usually be found dragging Doomshadow away from his ample commitments (but she knows that movie is totally about him), partying in Austin with Slaughter Creek, or maintaining the San Antonio Amtgard crash palace.
Her favorite color is safety orange.
God had to kick her out of Clan.
Is being Stalked by Doom

Affiliated Groups

Saracens -Cheiftan of Tribe Furies & Lt. Warspeaker of the CK S
Darkjesters -Hammersinger Line
I.L.B.F. -Trophy Wife of Itsari
Black Cross Pirates
Great Sea Alliance
House ShadowMoon
House DOC
Club Cthulhu
and she is totally President of the Sean Carlton Fan Club!
Lt. of Team Abkushi

Belted Family

Abi is squire to Dame Morganna.
She is liege to MaA Captain Jack Cross, MaA Vincent Cross, Page Tifa, Page Footnote, and Page Titsorry Imatard (yes, he's a monkey).

Notable Accomplishments

Baroness bestowed by Crinos, Monarch of the Celestial Kingdom August 2008
Regent of Mystic Springs May 2008-
Champion of the Shire of Twin Moons- 2007
Chancellor of EVN to Eagle Valley
Duchess of the Duchy of the Crystalline Confederacy
Regent of the Duchy of the Crystalline Confederacy
Sheriff of the Shire of the Silver Sun
KO'd Gator at CK Coronation 36. See the video.

Additional Images


Delespheron, Abiliegh Cross, Itsari, and Luna Starbright

Abi and her page, Titsorry

More Information

  • Abi's Myspace: [1]
  • Saracen City: [2]


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