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Royal Sentinel, Baronet, Squire Silentthunder, of Solstice, Crystal Groves

”What Ever, Some one post one for me, I'm not sure if any thing I said was rememberable.”



Started amtgard in Kileen Tx in the early Nineties. Was a member of the Celestial Kingdom for most of that time, with a brief stint in Washington state. In 2005 he moved north to the Maryland area, there he joined Solstice. Since becoming a member of solstice he has been sporadically active, mainly due to mundane obligations.

Silentthunder is a moderate fighter, preferring medium scale combats to tournies or large scale warfare. His favorite fighting style is single sword, but usually performs sword and board operations when not acting in the role of an assassin. While he talks a lot of mess he is generally good natured and doesn't take things personally.

Silentthunder doesn't care much for titles, preferring to be called Gully rather than anything else.

Affiliated Groups

Saracens For Life

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • Master Assassin -- Awarded by Sir Arch Duke Esuom aph'Taed of the Celestial Kingdom 2004
  • GM of Assassins for CK November 2004 - November 2005
  • Warspeaker For the Celestial Kingdom Saracens (Dates Forthcoming)

Additional Images

  • Link to image 1
  • Link to image 2

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif
  • Personal Website
  • Company Website