Order of the Dragon
The Order of the Dragon is a Ladder Award given for accomplishments in the arts as a whole.
Award Standards
Suggested Criteria
Written by an unknown Wetlands author
Order of the Dragon:
Qualification for Masterhood: 10 Orders of the Dragon
Given by: the Crown - Monarch, Regent, Grand Duke/Duchess (to 9th), Duke/Duchess (to 7th), Baron (to 4th)
Given for: outstanding achievements in the arts and sciences such as 2-d art (drawings, paintings, banners, scrolls, etchings on other works), 3-d art (jewelry, sculpture, coronets, ceramics, toys, games, etc.), Photography (black and white, sepia, or color), Bardic (instrumental, dance, oratory), Food (cooking, vintners, desserts, beverages, herbal remedies), Writing (prose, poetry, informative).
Limitations: None, however 10 orders of this award are needed to qualify for Masterhood.
Belt favor: Green belt favor with a red border and diagonal mark across the bottom. Masterhood will be denoted by a gold braid or ribbon down the middle.

SUGGESTED criteria: It is preferable that there be a minimum score of 3.25 to place in any category. It is suggested that at least 6 people compete in a given category to have a 1st through 3rd place awarded. A winner in a category is someone who entered all the sections in that category and averaged above the minimum score required, (there should be at least one other competitor in the category or categories the candidate entered; i.e., it is preferable that there be no uncontested wins/placings). Due to the sometimes arbitrariness of the judges however the Monarch may award these as he pleases. All criteria listed here are just that, *suggested*. They are BY NO MEANS requirements. This Monarch's Handbook is NOT intended to be a barrier between DESERVING individuals and their just rewards; rather, it is intended as a guideline for groups to use for rewarding their populace. If it can be generally agreed that a person deserves a certain award, even if they may not quite pass muster by the letter of This Monarch's Handbook, then they should probably get the award anyway.
Number of awards, Criteria, (not to be confused with who can give them, refer to "given by" for that information)
1st Order - entering and placing in an arts competition in at least one category. Comparable non competition work as stated above may also be considered.
2nd through 4th Orders - sequentially previous Orders (1st), and entering and placing OVERALL* in an arts competition preferably with increasing ratios of wins to placings for the higher Orders. Comparable non-competition work as stated above may also be considered.
5th through 7th Orders - sequentially previous Orders (1st through 4th), and entering and placing OVERALL in an arts competition at a minimum of the Duchy level. As above, there should be at least one other competitor in each category the candidate enters; i.e., it is preferable that there are no uncontested wins/placings. It is also preferable that the candidate places higher in subsequent competitions for higher Orders of the Dragon. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.
8th through 9th Order - sequentially previous Orders (1st through 7th), and entering and winning OVERALL in an arts competition at a minimum of the Grand Duchy level, or entering and placing OVERALL in an arts competition at the Kingdom level. While it may not be a problem at this level of competition, it is still preferable that there be no categories in which the candidate "competes" unopposed. As before, it is preferable (but never necessary) to achieve more highly for subsequent Orders. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.
10th Order - sequentially previous Orders (1st through 9th), and entering and winning OVERALL in at least one Kingdom level arts competition (that's _competition_, NOT category). While it may not be a problem at this level of competition, it is still preferable that there be no categories in which the candidate "competes" unopposed. As above, comparable non-competition work may also be considered.
Masterhood - may require more wins or comparable work above and beyond what is required for the 10th order.
Orders and Awards |
Select the "M" link to see information about the Order Masterhood for that Order. Orders: CrownM ⋅ DragonM ⋅ Flame ⋅ GarberM ⋅ GriffonM ⋅ HydraM ⋅ JoviousM ⋅ LionM ⋅ MaskM ⋅ OwlM ⋅ RoseM ⋅ SmithM ⋅ Walker of the Middle ⋅ WarriorM ⋅ BattleM ⋅ Zodiac Knighthoods: Crown ⋅ Flame ⋅ Serpent ⋅ Sword ⋅ Battle |