Siege Lucretius

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Sage Siege Lucretius, of Rusty Gauntlet Desert Winds

”What seasonings did you use?” ~ Siege Lucretius



Siege started in the shire of Hermits Hold Wenatchee, Washington around Feb. of 2006. Two months later attended SKBC 2006 and was hooked for life. After learning the ropes, he became Prime Minister of Hermits Hold and later was Baron. Soon thereafter he moved to the Grand Duchy of Stormhaven Spokane, Washington were he held multiple positions, Grand Duke, Regent and PM. He also organized and ran what used to be a premier event called Thousand Stars. Siege had to take a few years off because of work life, but has re emerged as a strong player in the Kingdom of the Desert Winds, residing in the Duchy of the Rusty Gauntlet.

Was given title of Lord by Grand Duke Avalok in 2009

Achieved Title of Viscount given by Queen Lady Snow

Awarded Master Rose By King Leo 2020

Recognized as Knight of the Flame by King Sir Rocky in December 2023

Has been a part of a few companies and households but has landed firmly and stuck with The Company of Strangers.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Former squire of Essewyn

Former man-at-arms of Thorkel

Former Squire to Guardian Drū-Kära Silverblade, until elevated to knighthood

Grand Duchess Sir Tawnee Darkfalcon

Notable Accomplishments

With the help of Xiphius, he was able to raise Hermits hold from 5 people to well beyond barony status in under a year, Has achieved the tiles of Viscount, Baronet, Lord, Master Druid, Paragon Healer, Paragon Reeve, and Walker in the Middle.

Was able to help boost numbers of the Rusty Gauntlet to achieve Duchy status, as well as raise funds two years in a row to pay for the Kingdom of the Desert Winds A.I. annual dues.

More Information

  • Orkicon2.gif