Olympus Proper

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a chapter of the Iron Mountains, located in eastern Iowa; Olympus plays in both Cedar Rapids and Iowa City.




It lies close to the midpoint of Chicago, IL and Omaha, NE. Olympus was founded by Francois Antonio di Vini and Skrag soon after Spring War X, and the first Olympus Battlegame was on March 23rd, 2003 (the signed/approved contract was returned in June of 2003).

Olympus offically joined the Iron Mountains on October 22nd, 2004, by a writ of annexation presented by Emperor Jabberwock in the lands of Querna Tema in Omaha, NE.

Olympus and Querna Tema co-founded the Principality of the Rosetta Pact and became official in June of 2005.

Olympus was elevated to Barony status during the second Crown Quals Tournament of the Principality of the Rosetta Pact during January 2006. In January of 2007, Olympus was elevated to Duchy status during the fourth Crown Quals/Coronation event of the Principality of the Rosetta Pact.


Olympus currently is home to the following houses and fighting companies: House Di Immortales, Free Companies(2nd Batt), Clan Raion, Clan Raven, Roger's Raiders, and the recently formed Seigeweapon Saints.

Directions and Events

Olympus battlegames take place on Sundays starting @ 1pm and we play till around 5pm (sometimes until dark). We alternate every week between Noelridge Park in Cedar Rapids, IA and Lower City Park in Iowa City, IA. For more information on game times, locations, or about the Duchy itself, goto the [[ http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/OlympusIM/|Olympus Yahoo Group ]].

For information on other chapters in amtgard look here
