
From AmtWiki

Jiang, Querna Tema of the Empire of the Iron Mountains

"Obey the Shadows and they will protect you.

Disobey the Shadows and they will consume you..."


Also known as Ginger, or GinjaNinja


A friend of Spoon's he came to Kupe's house one day and saw him making a sword, after being repeatedly hit by it he decided he wanted to come and hit others. Since then he has thrown himself into the game as he does the rest of his life, with little regard for his personal safety or sanity. He tries so hard.


Once known as Shosuro Nagato, grew up in the lands of Rokugan. Rumors say he graduated from the Shosuro Assassin school but these "rumor's" come from less than reputable sources, eta no less. His duties found him assigned to the call of the Scorpion Clan daimyo, Bayushi Shoju. At this time Shoju had come to believe that an ancient prophecy long held by his clan (the Prophesies of Uikku) indicate that the 38th Hantei Emperor will be the source of a consuming evil that will destroy Rokugan. For the greater good of Rokugan he acts on these beliefs by killing his liege, the 38th Hantei, and then attempts to hold the Imperial capitol of Otosan Uchi against the massed armies of the other Clans. This defense was to be successful if the Crab Clan threw their allegiance behind Shoju. Nagato was assigned to small element responsible in silently watching over a Crab delegation meant to help insure the Crab Clan's daimyo Hida Kisada assisted Shoju. In the end, Hida Kisada, Crab Clan daimyo, does not support Shoju and the order to kill the delegation is given. Failing to see how killing the delegation is for the good of Rokugan Nagato goes against the orders and assists the Crab delegation in escaping peril. In the fight Nagato was captured by a Yogo Shugenja Team and banished to another plane. Finding himself in the realm of Amtgard he drops his name Shosuro Nagato, ashamed of his ties to a corrupt power and takes on a new Gaijin name, Jiang Hai Chuan. For years he roamed these lands during which time he crossed paths with Shaitan, (Spoon) a curious warrior of gaijin origin. Parting ways he continues on his travels until he found himself in Querna Tema where it seemed several other samurai Rokugani had gathered. Happily he recognizes Shaitan now a ronin to the Clan Raion, through whom he mets and befriends another banished Rokugani from the Crab clan, Raion no Kupe, to whom he to this date feels an obligation to protect and serve. Jiang now faithfully serves not only under Raion no Kupe but also directly under the clan daimyo as a ronin to Clan Raion and trains with Kupe and the other bushi of the clan pushing forward, preparing if ever a date to return to Rokugan and atone for the sins of his family and clan.

Affiliated Groups

Ronin to Clan Raion



The Scorpion tail stabbing the Crab claw represents the customs of the Scorpion Clan still burning in Jiang. However training with Raion no Kupe, a former member of the Crab Clan, has altered his fighting style to mimic the courageous Crab warriors of the wall. It is for this reason the Crab claw in turn is crushing down on the Scorpion Claw. Jiang's mon represents an internal struggle to leave behind his past and grab hold of his future.

He also can be seen wearing a chrysanthemum of red, white, and black. While the Scorpion clan fight to protect the empire, Jiang, now no longer a member of the Clan, fights to protect the emperor, or anyone who is favored by the celestial throne.

Belted Family

Man At Arms to Raion no Kupe

Notable Accomplishments

Won first place in Principality of Rivermore Crown Qual Dragon Master with a short sword Mar 2011

Tied for first in the Principality of Rivermore Dragon Master contest with armor Oct 2010

Additional Images


One final leap...


A favorite combo of his.

More Information

He actually is a ninja, don't believe it? Grapple him... we dare ya...