Man at Arms Kayna, "Lefty", of Shrouding Mist within the Kingdom of the Northern Lights.

Back in the good ol' days of 2007, members from the now defunct park of Angel's Haven played a significant role at a medieval play day at the local elementary school. These folks conned a few of my friends & I to come out to the park on their play day. Ever since then (with a few extended breaks), I have been hooked to the game we all know and (usually) love. In 2013, I was paged by Hated, Man at Arms to Sho Obsidyn. Shortly there after, to benefit my fighting, I decided to switch to Shrouding Mist, home away from home. After being a part of the best belted family a girl can have, I was promoted to Man at Arms and joined the ranks with my 4 other brothers (Hated, Twixter, Cole Caecus, and Peehs). Don't be surprised if you see me frolicking around in a tutu (it is sorta my signature thing) along with telling people "Shut your whore mouth, I don't want to hear it out of you". Anyway, the rest is history in the making and partially because I am too lazy and lack motivation to write anything more <3

Affiliated Groups
- Shadowbell Darkjesters - Pet (under Rosewin)
- House Obsidyn - Man at Arms
Belted Line
- Warlord Sho Obsidyn
- Sir Dogboy
- Sir Downfall (Crown)
- Squire Jen of RedSmoke
- Squire Lalailom
- MaA Algernon
- Sir Gabrial Soulstealer (Serpent)
- Squire Tirgal
- MaA Daymin Thor
- MaA Nole
- MaA Jhaeren a'Connel
- MaA Twixter
- Page Penguin
- MaA Peehs
- MaA Hated
- MaA Cole Caecus
- Page Obi of Mithril Hills
- MaA Kayna
- Page Chowder