Lucas Wyngarde

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Lucas "Luke" Wyngarde the Stargazer, of Ironwood the Wetlands

"And if it didn't offend *me* then it wasn't offensive at all. I'm, like, the Rockerfeller of Outrage."



Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Luke was never a Squire, or a Page. He is the fount of his own belted family. Luke has four squires Matthias Fleewinter (Souls Crossing, Freehold), Sebastian Du Lac (Crimson Moon, Wetlands), MaXaM (Mushroom Shrine, Wetlands), Dawn Nefer-Aten (Shadowkeep, Wetlands). He also has one Man at Arms Scotty Wyngarde (Crimson Moon, Wetlands).

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

  • DSCF6080.JPG
  • DSCF8543.JPG

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