Weapon Types, Shields, and Equipment

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This page includes the rules on Weapons, Shields, and Equipment as defined by the Rules of Play.


All melee weapons require a rigid core and may be used to block, parry, or score hits with their Strike-Legal portion. Some melee weapons allow for Heavy Padding Substitution for a given length. A melee weapon is considered wielded if gripped in hand, to be used in combat. A destroyed melee weapon cannot be wielded or used to block, and is considered unwielded carried equipment when held in hand.

Heavy Padding Substitution

All melee weapons require a portion their length to be Strike-Legal, as noted in the individual weapon descriptions. Heavy Padding Substitution allows you to replace a portion of Strike-Legal with Heavy Padding. For each inch of Heavy Padding added you may also replace an additional inch of Strike-Legal with Courtesy Padding.

Heavy Padding added must start within 3” of the stabbing tip and proceed continuously towards the handle. Courtesy Padding added in this manner must begin at the top of the handle and proceed continuously towards the tip.

For example: A 48” Long weapon is typically required to have 32” of Strike-Legal followed by 16” of Handle. Using Heavy Padding Substitution you could have 16” of Heavy Padding, followed by 16” of Courtesy Padding, and then 16” of Handle.


  1. May stab and slash.
  2. At least 10" up to a maximum of 18".
  3. At least 10” of its length must be Strike-Legal.


  1. May stab and slash.
  2. Over 18" up to a maximum of 36".
  3. At least 2/3 of its length must be Strike-Legal.
  4. Allows for 1/3rd of its length to be substituted for Heavy Padding.


  1. May stab and slash.
  2. Over 36” up to a maximum of 48”.
  3. At least 2/3rds of its length must be padded.
  4. If used to slash at least 2/3rds of its length must be Strike-Legal.
  5. Allows for 1/3rd of its length to be substituted for Heavy Padding.
  6. May be Double-Ended.
    • Each end of a Double-Ended long weapon must be padded 1/3 the total length of the weapon, continuous from the tip. If an end is used to slash, that end must be Strike-Legal for 1/3 the total length of the weapon. This requirement replaces the standard requirement for padding on long weapons.


  1. No more than 36” in length.
  2. Has a single articulating head which must be entirely Strike-Legal and cannot contain a rigid core.
  3. The chain of a hinged weapon:
    • Is not a legal striking edge.
    • Must be wrapped in foam with less than 0.5” of the rope exposed at any point.
  4. The combined rope and striking edge may not exceed 18” in length.
  5. The top half of the non-rope and Strike-Legal portion of the weapon must be padded.


  1. May stab and slash.
  2. Greater than 48” in length.
  3. Must be padded on upper 1/2 of length or at least 3', whichever is less.
  4. If used to slash must have at least 18” of Strike-Legal surface.
  5. Great weapons, when wielded in a two handed manner, may gain the Shield Crushing and Armor Breaking Special Effects if built to one of the two standards below:
    • If the weapon has 18" of Heavy Padding, starting within 3" of the tip and continuous down the core
    • If the weapon has a total length of no more than 72" and additionally is Strike-Legal for 2/3 of its total length.
  6. May be Double-Ended.
    • Each end of a Double-Ended Great weapon must be padded 1/3 the total length of the weapon, or 3'. whichever is less, continuous from the tip. This requirement replaces the standard requirement for padding on Great weapons.

Magic Staves

  1. May not be used to strike.
  2. Between 36” and 72” long.
  3. Must be padded along their entire length, and each end must meet the requirements of a pommel.
  4. A player wielding a Magic Staff may not wield any other weapons or shields except for Daggers.
  5. Wielding an unbroken Magic Staff does not count against having an empty hand for the purpose of casting abilities or the Charge incantation.
  6. May not be easily confused for a Reeve Staff or for a different category of weapon.


Shields are used to block shots from weapons and are impervious to harm except from certain abilities. All shield measurements are the exterior surface area on a flat plane.

  1. Must not break or bend significantly during the course of combat. Rigid or easily breakable foam, or low-density foams, are inappropriate for all-foam shield construction. Some acceptable materials are:
    • Sturdy high-density foam.
    • Plywood.
    • High impact plastics.
    • Aluminum.
  2. Must have an opaque, durable cover such as cloth, PlastiDip, duct tape, or leather.
  3. The rim and face of the shield must be padded by at least 1” of closed cell foam.
    • All-foam shields do not require any additional padding so long as the foam itself would be considered padding.
  4. Hard edges may not be exposed on any surface which can reasonably come into contact with another player or their equipment.
  5. A player may only wield one shield at a time.
  6. Must be gripped in a hand in order to be considered wielded. An open hand inside a shield handle is not enough to consider that shield wielded.
    • A shield that is gripped in a hand may also have a support strap around the arm.
    • A blow that strikes a non-wielded shield strapped to a player, such as a shield slung across a back, is considered to strike the player as if the shield had not been there.
    • A small shield may be strapped to an arm instead of wielded in a hand.
  7. A small shield is between 36 square inches (6.8 inch diameter) and three square feet (23.45 inch diameter).
  8. A medium shield is no larger than five square feet (30.28 inch diameter).
  9. A large shield is no larger than eight square feet (38.3 inch diameter).
  10. Shield shapes may not cause confusion on the field. A shield cannot look like armor or a weapon.
  11. A shield may be tossed in a manner that keeps it (relatively) perpendicular to the ground. While in the air, such a shield is considered a terrain effect, though it is still vulnerable to things that would normally affect a shield (such as Fireball or Destruction Arrow). A shield may not be tossed into another player or their wielded equipment.
  12. A destroyed shield cannot be wielded or used to block, and is considered unwielded carried equipment when held in hand.


A shield joined to a melee weapon.

  1. Counts as both a shield and a weapon.
  2. Only usable if a class can use both a melee weapon and shield of the length and size types of the madu.
  3. Weapon Destroying will affect the entirety of the madu if it strikes any part of the weapon portion.
  4. Shield Crushing and Shield Destroying affect the entirety of the madu if it strikes any part of the shield portion.
  5. Abilities that affect any part of the madu, such as Imbue Shield or Heat Weapon, affect its entirety.
  6. Melee weapon portion must conform to Dagger, Short, Long, or Great melee weapon requirements. Shield portion must conform to Small, Medium, or Large shield requirements.
    • In a single-ended madu, the weapon length should be measured from tip to farthest edge of the shield portion.
  7. Any shield with melee weapons affixed to it in any form is considered a madu and must conform to these rules.
  8. If built to slash (these replace the normal Strike-Legal length requirements for a melee weapon of the madu's length):
  9. May be Double-Ended.


This category includes thrown weapons (Light Thrown and Heavy Thrown), Rocks, Magic Balls, thrown Javelins, and arrows. Projectiles may not be used to parry, block, or melee, are indestructible, and affect all targets struck while in motion. Projectile weapons are considered wielded if gripped in hand, to be used in combat. Strikes to a projectile are treated as having struck whatever they would have made contact with were the projectile not there. Only projectiles may be thrown (i.e. you may not throw your sword). Projectiles may not have rigid or granular cores such as solid rubber balls, wrapped balls of rubber bands, tennis balls, etc. Suggested acceptable materials are sweatshirt material, loose rubber bands, etc. Protrusions or tips on a projectile must meet the requirements for stabbing tips.

Thrown Weapons

Light Thrown

These weapons represent throwing daggers and the like.

  1. Between 2.5” and 6” in total length.
  2. All parts must be Strike-Legal.
    • These weapons are exempt from a minimum foam depth for Strike-Legal.
  3. May be covered in non-abrasive cloth tape instead of cloth.
    • Duct tape may not be used as a cover.
  4. Will score a hit from any portion of the weapon.
  5. May not be of a color and shape which may reasonably be confused with a Magic Ball.

Heavy Thrown

These weapons represent throwing axes and the like.

  1. Between 9” and 18” in total length.
  2. All parts must be Strike-Legal.
    • These weapons are exempt from a minimum foam depth for Strike-Legal.
  3. May be covered in non-abrasive cloth tape instead of cloth.
    • Duct tape may not be used as a cover.
  4. Will score a hit from any portion of the weapon.


  1. Must be at least 10” in each dimension.
  2. All parts must be Strike-Legal.
    • These weapons are exempt from a minimum foam depth for Strike-Legal.
  3. May be covered in non-abrasive cloth tape instead of cloth.
    • Duct tape may not be used as a cover.
  4. Will score a hit from any portion of the weapon.
  5. Hits from Rocks are Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing.
  6. Items that meet the criteria to be classified as a Rock may not also be classified as Heavy Thrown.


Javelins are a hybrid throwing/melee weapon. They are considered a melee weapon when wielded, but are considered a projectile otherwise. Destroyed Javelins cannot be wielded nor thrown. Javelins are only available to those classes explicitly granted Javelins.

  1. Between 36” and 72” long.
  2. Must have between 6” and 12” of Strike-Legal.
  3. Must be padded along their entire length.
  4. May be thrown and used in melee (including blocking).
  5. Stab only for both melee and throwing.
  6. Hits from Javelins when thrown are Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing.
  7. Must strike point-first to score a hit.
  8. Must have a rigid core.
  9. Pommel is not required to meet the requirements for a stabbing tip.
  10. May be Double-Ended.

Magic Balls

These projectiles are thrown to represent various magical attacks and are not considered weapons. They represent magical energy, motes of elemental force, alchemical mixtures, and the like.

  1. Must be a spherical object at least 2.5” in diameter.
  2. Must have a streamer between 1” and 6” long.
  3. All parts must be Strike-Legal.
    • These projectiles are exempt from a minimum foam depth for Strike-Legal.
  4. May be covered in non-abrasive cloth tape instead of cloth.
    • Duct tape may not be used as a cover.
  5. Will score a hit from any portion of the object.


Not explicitly granted to anybody, ammunition is a class of projectiles used in conjunction with other types of weapons, and by itself is not considered a weapon.


Includes bolts and any other similar items.
NOTE: Improperly constructed or maintained arrows can pose a serious safety hazard. Before building your first arrows take the time to study an online construction tutorial or practice with an experienced player.


  1. Must strike point-first to score a hit.
  2. Affects all targets struck while in motion.
  3. Hits from arrows are Armor Breaking.
  4. Hits from arrows are Weapon Destroying.
  5. Must be clearly labeled with their owner's name.
  6. Arrows without labels are not allowed on the field.
    • Using arrows without labels can result in immediate suspension from the field.
    • Broken or poorly mended arrows are not to be used.
  7. Like any other equipment, arrows may only be used by their owner unless the owner grants specific permission for another player to use their arrows.
    • The owner of an arrow is responsible for the safety of the arrow even if fired by another player.
    • Specialty arrows may never be shared.
  8. Swinging at an arrow in flight is illegal.
    • Arrows may only be passively blocked by placing an object in the flight path.


The shaft of the arrow or bolt is the stick portion to which the head is affixed.

  1. Must be carbon, aluminum, or fiberglass.
  2. Any real arrowheads or hunting tips must be removed.
  3. Shafts must have a drawstop preventing drawing the arrow past 28", unless the shaft is already shorter than this length. This is measured from the inside of the nock where the string rests to the draw stop.
  4. The nock and any vanes/fletching present must be in good repair.
  5. The orientation of vanes/fletchings (or the lack thereof) must not cause chaotic or unpredictable flight.


The blunt is the reinforced tip of the shaft upon which the striking portion, the arrow head, will be constructed.

  1. All blunts must be solidly built, stiff enough to carry anticipated loads without excessive deformation, and able to support typical Amtgard archery impacts repeatedly without failure or degradation.
  2. The end of the shaft must be securely capped with a circular, impact-resistant disc at least 1" in diameter.
    • The disc must be centered over the end of the shaft.
    • If a metal disc is used, it must be at least 1/16" steel or equivalent.
    • Discs of any other material must be durable, impact-resistant, and at least 1/4" thick.
  3. The blunt must then be further built up to at least 1.5" in diameter. The non-disc portion of the blunt can be constructed from any material, including foam, so long as it ensures that the foam arrowhead built upon it is not able to move easily in relation to the shaft. This includes but is not limited to: plunging up and down, wobbling from side to side, twisting-without-return, etc.
  4. The entire blunt can be a single unit (such as a 3D-printed piece) as long as the resulting structure is equivalent or safer than the above requirements.


The arrow head is the Strike-Legal portion at the end of an arrow or bolt, after the blunt.

  1. There must be at least a 2" depth of foam in front of the blunt that has a 2” or greater circular cross section.
  2. The foam immediately in front of the blunt must not deform around the arrow shaft or blunt on impact.
  3. Any additional foam used to meet the 2" depth requirement should be chosen with the goal of making the arrow as safe and comfortable to be struck by as possible, specifically in regards to accidental strikes to the face and eyes.
  4. For flat-faced arrowheads, the physical striking surface of the arrowhead must include at least 1" foam with a circular diameter of 2.5".
  5. Domed arrowheads are allowed but must not pass more than 1” through a 2.5” ring. (For example, a 2.75" diameter hemisphere would meet this requirement.)


  1. The striking surface of the arrow must be covered in a durable, opaque cloth. Cloth tape may not be used on the striking surface.
  2. Non-striking surfaces may be covered in non-abrasive cloth tape instead of cloth.
    • Duct tape may not be used as a cover.
  3. Specialty Arrows must be covered with the appropriate color.
    • Properly colored strips may be affixed to the shaft in lieu of colored head covers. These strips must be clearly visible from at least 20' away and not impact the safe use of the arrow.
    • Covers for regular arrows must be a color or combination of colors that cannot be reasonably mistaken for a specialty arrow.
    • The colors reserved for specialty arrows are: Red, Yellow, Green, Purple, and Gray.


Includes bows and crossbows. Bows are considered wielded weapons when gripped in hand, and are exclusively used with arrows or bolts. Other devices which aid in accelerating projectiles are not considered Bows. This includes devices such as slingshots, slings, and atlatls.

  1. The maximum limit for a bow’s pull is 35 pounds with a maximum 28” draw length.
  2. Crossbows are limited to no more than 450 inch-pounds.
  3. No compound bows are allowed.
  4. At 20’ or less bows must be no more than half drawn.
    • Half-Draw is half the distance between the brace height and 28 inches. Example: If your bow has a brace height of 8 inches, its Half Draw is 18 inches.
    • Crossbows do not have to be half drawn within 20’.
  5. May only be used to passively block (i.e. may not be swung towards an incoming strike in order to block). If hit by the Strike-Legal portion of any weapon, the bow is destroyed. Destroyed Bows held in hand are considered unwielded carried equipment.

Siege Weapons

Siege Weapons are extremely powerful engines of destruction that, historically, were used for everything from anti-personnel to tearing down walls from a great distance. Examples of this type of weapon include ballistas, catapults, onagers, and trebuchets. The abilities and limitations of siege weapons are as follows:

  1. You may only have siege weapons at the discretion of the game runner.
  2. Siege weapons should have a historical or fantasy counterpart that they mimic in form and function. Ammunition from siege weapons must conform to the following rules, and cannot have any additional powers unless specified by the game designers:
  3. Siege weapons must be approved by the game reeve prior to being used. Safety is of the utmost concern when determining whether a siege weapon should be allowed on the field.

Other Equipment


Sashes are used to denote certain classes by their color in games where classes are used. All sashes must be at least 2” wide and be worn from shoulder to opposite hip across the body.

Class Symbols

Class Symbols are used for the garb requirement for some classes.

  1. Class Symbols must be primarily a solid color as specified by the class. Small color variations in details are allowed.
  2. Background must be of a contrasting color to the symbol.
  3. Symbols must protrude past all edges of a 5” square.
  4. Must wear at least two symbols. They must be located on opposite sides of the body.
  5. Symbols must be clearly visible from 20' away.


Strips are used to denote certain types of Enchantments and Special Effects for quick on-field identification.
The most common use of strips is to denote enchantments or abilities that function as enchantments.

  1. Strips must have at least 6” of visible drape, and cannot be covered by garb or equipment.
  2. Strips on players must be attached in a visible location when viewing a player from the front.
  3. Strips have a cohesive color-coding system.
    1. Offensive Enchantments and Special Effects are denoted by red strips.
    2. Defensive Enchantments and Special Effects are denoted by white strips.
    3. Miscellaneous Enchantments and Special Effects are denoted by yellow strips.
  4. Enchantments and Special Effects that require enchantment strips do not function if the enchantment strips are not present. It is the responsibility of the bearer to ensure their strips are present in order for the enchantment or ability to function.
  5. Traits do not require strips unless they require activation. Traits that are an always-on part of a class do not require strips.
V8 Rulebook
Introduction · V8 Made Easy · Organization · Role-playing · Combat Rules · Armor · Weapons · Weapon Types, Shields, and Equipment · Equipment Checking · Magic Items · Battlegames · Magic, Abilities, States and Special Effects · Classes · Magic and Abilities · Magic Items · Rules Revision Process · Award Standards · Kingdom Boundaries & Park Sponsorship · Annexure · Common Misconceptions