Nicademus Longshadow
From AmtWiki
Sir, Delf Nicademus Longshadow, of Iron Keep, Blackspire
”Praise Bacchus!!!”
Knight of the Flame from VSR, now of Blackspire.
Affiliated Groups
- Co-founder of the Church of the True Brew.
Belted Family
Was originally squired to Valerus Elwing Thorne, Nicademus later spent time as squire to Gwaine before settling down to be squired to Jaxom. Squire Jerago has returned to being the squire of Sir Blade he is Under the care of Nicademus while Blade is traveling the dessert
- Sir Jaxom Jacobson (Flame, Crown)
- Sir Garth (Serpent, Flame)
- Squire Theodius Baozue (Tiny)
- Man-at-Arms Toad
- Page Draco Yoko
- Page Kuldar DrakZarr
- Squire Kazumi
- Squire Blaze Aeturnus
- Page Hybrid
- Squire Guylain
- Man-at-Arms Azura
- Page Hailam
- Squire Theodius Baozue (Tiny)
- Sir Garth (Serpent, Flame)
Notable Accomplishments
- Knight of the Flame - Knighted in June 2003 at Draco by King Sir Gideon
- Master Monster - Given by Sir Gideon Blackthorne, September 2003
- Master Lion - Given by Aristiri, December 2002
- Master Monk - Given by Aristiri, October 2002
- Master Barbarian - Given by Icefyre
- Chancellor of Sylvan Fenn, July 2006 - January 2007
- Champion of Shrouded Valley, May 2004 - December 2004
- Holder of Shrouded Valley, October 1996 - October 1997
Additional Images
- Link to image 1
- Link to image 2
More Information
- Personal Website
- Company Website