Draeven Somerstorm
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Baronet Draeven Somerstorm, of the Emerald Hills
Hell when I'm drunk I'll do all sorts of things I don't remember. I once got drunk and told Draeven he had a good idea once. I need help.-Forest
You put the BAR in Bardic!-Forest
Formerly a member of the Drunken Wyvern, Draeven (despite his skinny size) is able to drink impressively large quantities of alcohol. During one Emerald Hills event Draeven drank a large quantity of Wyvern's Blood (made mostly of Everclear) and then relit a campfire the next morning by peeing on it. Draeven is currently considered 60% alcohol by volume (120 proof).
Notable Accomplishments
- Baronet - Given by Grand Inquisitor (King) Sutra Bahuas, EH, March 2007
- Master Healer - Given by Grand Inquisitor (King) Sutra Bahuas, EH, March 2007
- Walker of the Middle Dec 2013
- EH Champion Reign XLIX (June - Dec 2012)
- EH Captain of the Guard Reign XLVII (June - Dec 2011)
- EH GMR Reign XXXV, Reign LI (June - Dec 2005), (June - Dec 2013)
- EH Guildmaster of Barbarians - Reigns XXXII-XXXV, Reign LIV (Dec 2003 - Dec 2005) (Dec 2015 - June 2015)
- EH Guildmaster of Druids - Reign LIII - Reign LVI (July 2014 - June 2016)
- EH Guildmaster of Healers - Reigns XXXII-XXXIV, Reigns XLIX-LVI (Dec 2003 - June 2005), (June 2012 - June 2016)
- EH Guildmaster of Monks - Reign XXXV (June - Dec 2005)
- EH Guildmaster of Warriors - Reign XXXVI (Dec 2005 - June 2006)
- Eagleshire GMR (June - Dec 2012)
- Kings Point GMR (Dec 2014 - Jun 2015)
- Head of Security - Banner Wars XIII - Oct 2012
- Stepped in as War-O-Crat 1 month prior/Took over Auto-Crat during the event/Ran feast table contest for Sir Falamar - Banner Wars XV - Oct 2014 **The original WarOCrat backed out 1 month before the event, the Autocrat announced the Friday of the event he would not be attending, Draeven also had to take Falamar from Atoka Ok to Denton TX on Saturday morning during the event because Falamar was ill, and upon his return had to judge and award the feast table setup competition, Draeven filled all 3 roles last minute without any budget or support staff)
- Dame Faunna's deadly sin of Gluttony
===Affiliated Groups===

Amalgam Heraldry
Belted Family
Draeven was promoted to Squire by Sir Falamar at Banner Wars XIV
- Sir Kaz DeKinky
- Sir NAFT
- Sir Taldak
- Sir Falamar
- Squire Cannibus Septiva
- Squire Thrann Von Doom
- Squire Draeven
- Squire Angus
- Sir Falamar
- Sir Oreo De'Creamy
- Dame Nightengael
- Dame Tanara Stormcaller
- Squire Aylin
- Squire Ryker
- Dame Tanara Stormcaller
Additional Images
More Information
- Personal Website
- Company Website