Player may not interact with game items, objectives, or other players unless specified by the
ability that made them Insubstantial, other than retrieving
equipment. Players may only target themselves with
magic and abilities that are able to affect insubstantial players. May use
Meta-Magic and
Charge abilities. Insubstantial players:
- May not move from their starting location unless specified by the ability that made them Insubstantial. This is different from Stopped in that you can still move your feet.
- Can only be affected by mechanics that work on States in general (such as Release) or Insubstantial in specific (such as Dimensional Rift). Player and their carried equipment are otherwise unaffected by combat, abilities, etc.
- Are not affected or stopped by game terrain such as walls, lava pits, traps, etc, unless otherwise indicated by the reeve or game designer.
- May remove this State from themselves at any time by incanting “I return to the physical world” x2, provided they are the cause of the State and the State was not imparted by an Enchantment. Otherwise, they must end the State as per the description of the responsible ability. This incantation is not interrupted by the player moving their feet, and does not require a free hand.
- Must declare their Insubstantial State by saying “Insubstantial” if asked, attacked, or targeted by an ability.
- May not delay the game excessively. For instance, you may not use this State to avoid being killed if you are the last player alive in a Mutual Annihilation battlegame. The reeve's decision is final.