From the Rulebook:
A type of
ability which alters the typical behavior of other abilities.
- Meta-Magic follows all the standard rules for Incantations, except for Ambulant, which may be cast while moving.
- Meta-Magic must be stated immediately after indicating the target and prior to beginning the incantation for the modified ability.
- Abilities that are labeled with a Meta-Magic in the class description are affected as per that Meta-Magic, but do not require the player to state the incantation for that Meta-Magic.
- Meta-Magics do not affect other Meta-Magics, but may be combined in any number so long as all restrictions are observed.
Example: A player may cast an ability using Extension and Ambulant, however Extension must be stated without moving the feet as it is unaffected by Ambulant.
- Meta-Magics are considered expended as soon as their incantation is finished regardless of whether or not the altered ability was completed.
- May not be used to modify the behavior of Magic Items or abilities granted by Enchantments such as Heat Weapon from Gift of Flame.
See also Category:Type Meta-Magic for a list of Meta-Magics.