The target of an
ability must be in range at the completion of an
Incantation. The target being out of range at any other point does not prevent or interrupt the casting attempt. If a piece of
equipment is the target, the physical equipment itself is what needs to be in range. If the incantation is completed and the target is not in range, the ability has no effect but is still expended.
- Self: Target must be the caster.
- Touch: Target may be Self or Other. Any physical contact between caster and target is sufficient, or placing one's hand within six inches of the target.
- Other: Target must be other players or equipment that are in Touch range.
- 20': Target must be within 20' upon completion of the incantation.
- 50': Target must be within 50' upon completion of the incantation.
Abilities that are cast at Touch range may only be used provided at least one of the following is true:
- The target is willing
- The target is Dead
- The target is Stunned
- The target is Frozen
- The target is Insubstantial and unable to move from their current location.