From AmtWiki
Baronetess Dame Hazel Coppermane, of Wolfheim, in the Kingdom of Polaris
-Work in Progress-
Affiliated Groups
- Norse Star (Former)
Service as a 'Crat
- M.A.M.E Feast-o-Crat, 2019
Notable Accomplishments
- Lady - Awarded by Queball, 2017
- Baronet - Awarded by Broton, 2018
- Master Rose - Awarded by Kaadiart AnaMayn, 2022
Belted Family
Sir Queball (Flame, 2014) (Crown, 2018) (Serpent, 2021) (Battle, 2023)
- Squire Steeeeeve
- Squire Duran Cannon
- Sir Kismit (Flame, 2023)
- Abir Shale Nfty (Flame, 2018)
- Sir Dillon (Serpent, 2022)
- Sir Zike McNasty (Flame, 2019) (Crown, 2024)
- Squire Grun Brefuziak
- Page Valduthain Thunderfury
- Page Fiona Briarthorn of Mag Mell
- Dame Salone (Serpent)