Celestial Thrones

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Coronation of the Khaleesi

Diary of the Khaleesi: The Elemental King’s control over his elementals was destroyed, as was he. The Khaleesi’s dragons fought savagely and incinerated everything in their path, including a few unfortunates from the various cities. This has led to some discontent amongst the populace, some of whom refused to bend the knee to their rightful queen upon her return to the Throne. As a result, the Khaleesi decided to visit all of her holdings to remind them who is in charge. Diary of the Khaleesi: I have done it. I have finally done it. I have regained my family’s throne once more, and they will never take it away again. My dragons are grown and cannot be stopped. That pesky elemental king couldn’t control his mages at all. The Baratheons and Lannisters may have decimated my people’s land and belongings in the past, but I will bring my people peace and prosperity even though Winter Is Here. Under my tutelage, the kingdom will return to its rightful place as the most powerful kingdom of the Known World once more. I have sent a raven to a Wet Land offering peace and friendship. I have also heard of a place within the Hills of Emeralds far away that might prove an ally. I will send them a raven in time. Other kingdoms may seek us out once more, and we will welcome their friendships. I have appointed Squire Armand the Hand of the Queen. He is faithful and creative, albeit mischievious. The Regent is Eva Destruction, and in spite of her name, she will prove helpful and inspirational. Our kingdom will benefit greatly from her talents. The previous Master of Coin is a bit hard to get ahold of, but has served others well and sworn fealty to me, so I think that I will keep him… for now. I will have to revisit that in three months, as he seems to be worn out by the demands previous “kings” gave him. The Captain of the Guard is Ser Weasel, and hopefully he will not live up to his name. Ser Thaddigren, Lord Enforcer Kyrryn, Squire Diamond, Squire Crispin, Ser Shadow Dragon, and Squire Psy are Crown Guards under the watchful eye of the Captain. May they serve me well. Eva has chosen Duke Squire Episode as her Defender, and he will protect her with his life. The Scribe for the past few reigns has made it known she plans to continue as my scribe, so we shall see what that holds. I have found an artisan most worthy to make scrolls for awards. I have multiple others who wish to entertain us at feasts and courts. I have many others still who wish to protect and serve the Crown and kingdom. This is truly a marvelous beginning. However, I am suspicious of so many of the bureaucrats under the many false kings wanting to serve me; I feel there is something foul afoot. I have tasked Dame Aurora Selene to oversee the reworkings of our kingdom’s corpora, and she has chosen a group of scribes to work on this for us. It is a boring, but very necessary task, as it is woefully out of date. I have tasked Squire D’monica to oversee repairs to our festival lands, as they have become overgrown and hard to navigate, and their amenities are decidedly not modern. Her name does not reflect her skills or intents, so I have every confidence that this task will be completed in an organized, timely, and efficient manner. This kingdom has a large festival approaching in three months’ time that we wish to invite others across the Known World to attend. The locals call it Spring War. That task is delegated to the Church of the High Cross and the Church of the Apocalypse; may they serve us well and not crusade against one another until then. All told, I am pleased with the kingdom. Let us hope that my rule is full of fun and pleasantries instead of strife. The cities and lands that have not pledged fealty must be visited, diplomacy with other kingdoms must be attempted, and we must stockpile resources for the Long Winter. Until then, adieu.

Relic Quest/Kingdom visit to Bloodtide Coast (House Tully)

Kingdom Visit to Wickerwood (Night’s Watch at the Wall) and Paragon’s Cross (House Martell of Dorne)

Upon her arrival at the Wall, the Khaleesi was greeted courteously by the Black Brotherhood, who reminded her that they take no sides in the wars of men (and women) – they just want people and supplies for their never-ending responsibility. They happily accepted her officer of supplies and troops, and exchanged in return a glorious feast and a comfortable (and warm) place to stay the night. She asked them to reconsider their gender-biased policies and admit women; after all, women can be warriors too, as the Wildlings have proven time and again in their attacks on the wall. While she was there, the Wall was beset by Wildlings and giants, who had formed an alliance. The queen’s dragons were sluggish and grumbled about the cold weather, but were prompted into the skies to attack the offending savages from the other side of the Wall. After hours of battle, moving supplies and forces back and forth from the Wall to the gates and back again, plus a few well-placed fireballs from the dragons, the Wildlings were utterly destroyed… as were sections of the wall. Oops. Naughty dragons. The Khaleesi and her retinue continued their travels to Dorne, where they were welcomed by House Martell with a glorious feast and festivities. Her retinue grew as others from her previous stops decided to travel with her. A good-natured tournament and quest were requested of the people of Dorne by their Khaleesi, and they fulfilled it. After the extreme temperatures of the Wall, the queen and her dragons welcomed the warmth of Dorne. The dragons rolled in the red dirt gleefully until their mummy chained them up for making a mess.

Envoy to the Wet Lands: Coronation of the Dwarven King

‘’’Diary of the Khaleesi:’’’ The Hand of the Queen and I visited the Wet Land to find it overrun with dwarves. These are strange creatures who bemoan their soggy state in the caves beneath the surface, yet will do nothing about their condition. They officially invited myself and an envoy from the Hills of Emerald to their king’s festivities, and it was a strange, wet, cold affair. The soggy conditions meant I was as miserable as I was at the Wall, even though the temperatures were warmer. His Majesty King Juju kept telling the “dry heads” to go back to the surface – but why invite them in the first place? I noticed he named Aust, a wayward dwarf whom I have had dealing with before, as his emissary with the humans. We’ll see just how much Aust has changed for the better… or not. His Majesty King Juju was a gracious host though, oddities and all. We feasted multiple times during our visit on dwarven delicacies designed to stave off the cold and wet, and there were prize tournaments and games to celebrate their victory over Shah Termus’s forces. Nevertheless, I was glad to return home to my dry, warm, comfortable bed.

Kingdom visit to Tori Mar (House Greyjoy)

Kingdom Visit to Dragonskull Keep (House Baratheon-Stannis/Dragonstone)

Dragonstone met the Khaleesi’s announcement of her stay in her family’s castle with derision. It seems that not all of the Baratheon forces had been destroyed, sent to the Wall, or sent to the Warden of Monsters. They sent her a raven back with a rude message challenging her and threatening her dragons’ safety. Thinking they were few in number and could be dealt with using diplomacy, not force, she left the dragons behind in King’s Landing, the Hand of the Queen in charge in her absence. Khaleesi Nesta arrived at Dragonstone, was treated politely to her face, but mocked behind her back. At the feast, she and her guards were drugged with a sleeping potion. They weren’t being diligent enough. She awoke to a slap to her face. A rustic fellow was holding a torch in front of her eyes and she tried to move her hands to block the light, only to discover they were tied to a stake, wood at her feet. “You have no power here, Khaleesi,” he spat. “You’re just a silly woman who thinks she can run a man’s kingdom.” He threw the torch at her feet and the kindling caught fire. He walked away as he said, “Say hello to your father and brothers from the Baratheons.” She started laughing quietly at first, and then quickly began to cackle as the flames licked up her body. “You forget that I am the Mother of Dragons. Flame cannot harm me” she said as she pulled her hands apart behind her. Nesta gathered flames into her palms and rolled them into a ball. “You really should not have treated your Queen so disrespectfully. Drugging her and her men? Burning her at the stake? These are treasonous acts and will be dealt with accordingly.” With that, she threw the ball of flames at the man, who hit the wall behind him with a thump as his clothes caught on fire. He began to scream. Nesta calmly started making another fireball. “Tell Stannis, Robert, and Renly hello from the Queen.” She walked down the hall tossing flames into the air. “Now, where was that feast hall…?” ‘’’Sheriff Mistery: ‘’’ With the invasion of the Dragon queen over, we, House Baratheon, have slain her pets and burned her at the post of decay. We claim victory over this battle with the heads of new dragons. ‘’’Sir Snake Bite: ‘’’Once more the false queen’s dragons have run amok and attacked the House of Baratheon. Luckily, they only burnt the stand of cedar. House Baratheon shall not allow this outrage to go unpunished. The servants of the fire god shall have vengeance! ‘’’Decree of the Hand of the Queen’’’: Let it be known! All those attempting to cause harm to our Khaleesi shall be brought to justice. The attempt on our Khaleesi at Dragon Skull Keep will not go unpunished. The Hand of the Queen will be making a visit soon to take into custody those involved. Let us hope they all make it to Trial, probably not.

Kingdom Visit to Murky Waters (House Stark)

Kingdom visit to Devil’s Bayou (House Bolton)

Dragonmaster/Weaponmaster, Kingdom visit to Slaughter Creek (House of Black and White in Braavos)

Midreign of the Khaleesi

Kingdom visit to Nocturnis

Kingdom Visit to Bifost (House Mormont)

Spring War

Crown Quals/Kingdom visit to Griffin’s Keep (Wildlings)

Kingdom Visit to Traitor’s Gate (House Arryn)

(TBD) Kingdom visit to Kaembryge (Sellswords)