Ministers of Grace
From AmtWiki
A Household formed to combat growing apathy and slipping standards. Founded by; Rand, Selene, Linden and Calidor. Comprised of the folks who 'work for a living'. The Ministers do not often do things as a household but their members are seen individually in every area of the game, fighting the good fight.
Once a fighting company formed in CK, the Ministers have become a household so that their members could pursue other fighting groups.
- Abiliegh Cross
- Alona
- Asylus
- Balder
- Bresil
- Calidor
- Chango
- Clio
- Cobra
- Dakkenly
- Gath Augustine
- Grix
- Impy
- Itsari
- Keladry
- Kentigern
- Korderellin
- Kupe
- Liam
- Linden
- Lodar
- Maladon
- Nesta de’Ebonydaryth
- O'Banion
- Owen
- Petra
- Promethea
- Randalf Falconbridge
- Ravenos
- Roslyn
- Sebastian
- Selene
- Shelai
- Soldan
- Stewie
- Sylvanista de’Ebonydaryth
- Tanath
- Tye Dye
- Vincent Beche
- Wat
- Wolfbane
- Wynde Raynbow
- Yami
"It's all the same thing. You fight the good fight. Which ever way you can." - Angel, from Angel episode 1.9, Hero