Sho Obsidyn

From AmtWiki

The Hermit Sir Warlord Sho Obsidyn, under Shrouding Mist of the Northern Lights.


"If you cannot have fun here, then walk with me for a bit."


Back in the Mid 90's I started playing at The Land of the Shrouding Mists. I began the game after my friends Ahira(Vuugash currently) and Razo DeDezmond showed up to my work one Sunday morning and asked me what I was doing after work that day. I informed them I had nothing planned and began asking questions because they both were grinning ear to ear. After hearing about Amtgard I was dead set on checking this game out. We showed up that afternoon at Sprinker Recreational Center around 1:30 pm and the greeting was very warm and inviting. I was then given a rundown of the game and its mechanics and let loose as a Samurai, 4pts of armor and a two swords. I WAS HOOKED! The rest is history leading to today.

Affiliated Groups

  • Golden Lions - Fighting Company
  • Church of the Apocolypse - Elder Saint
  • Shadowbell Darkjesters - Member
  • House Obsidyn - Lord
  • House of the Everful Goblet

Belted Line


Notable Accomplishments

  • 18 Time Champion of the Realm
    • 3 Kingdom Level
    • 3 Principality Level
    • 8 Duchy Level
    • 3 Barony Level
    • 1 Shire Level
  • 3 Times Monarch
    • 1 King
    • 2 Duke(1 protem)
  • 3 Times Regent
    • 3 Duchy Level(1 Protem)
  • 2 Time Prime Minister
    • 2 Duchy Level(1 Protem)
  • 26 Time Weaponsmaster
    • Weapons Master of the World @ Clan 16
    • 5 Kingdom Level
    • 4 Principality Level
    • 10 Duchy Level
    • 4 Barony Level
    • 2 Shire Level

Since being granted Warlord Sho has Streaked 21 on 25 separate occations since being awarded the title of Warlord
Streaks in the last two years 21,23,26,29,38
Been asked by FWACK to instuct at SKBC 2014

20 events on Security Staff
5 times as Securicrat(most recent was Zenstars 2013)
1 time autocrat of SM/MS Joint Mid-reign
10 time Warocrat
2 time Feastocrat
1 time Gateocrat

10 Warriors
10 Roses
4 Dragons
5 Owls
5 Smiths

Additional Images

goldenlionsho.jpg NLCC2015%20Family%20Pic.jpg
Stefan-and-family.jpg Family1-1.jpg


More Information
