Quynn Fyresong

From AmtWiki

Squire Quynn Fyresong Mercades of Gryphon's Perch, Rising Winds

"Logan! Come fix my porn!"


Quynn started playing back in March of 2007 Her first Amt experience happened at Thundering Rivers in Elkhart IN. Since Thundering Rivers she has moved on to the Port of Winter's Night and then finally found home at Gryphons Perch. She is (to say the least) an "aspiring" female stick jock, poet and student. Former member of Ferrum Crux. In mid 2008 Quynn also picked up Dagorhir fighting. In October of 2008, she became Squired to Shogun Jynx Mercades.

Group Affiliations

Belted Line

Former Man-at-Arms to Squire Lord Ragnar; dropped the belt when Ragnar left Amtgard

Notable Achievements

  • Official Ninja Bunny of the Western Gate (Coronation April 2007)
  • Rising Winds Coronation XII. played Bard for the Justicars team in one of the battles. Made her dream come true of finally being a cool kid.
  • Got punched in the face in the ditch by Tanath at Rising Winds Midreign November 2008. She just smiled and lined back up to fight again.

Additional Images

fighting short/downspear at WeaponMaster May 2008
Quynn swimming a kickass butterfly
