Polaris Monarchy

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Weezicus was elected the first Prime Minister at Starmount's Midreign on May 17th, 2008. The first elections for Monarch and Regent were held on July 19th, 2008 with Skrag and Sir Raphael running uncontested. Sir Garik won the Champion's Tournament, and Wolfstar was elected as Principality GMR.

Monarch Regent Champion Prime Minister Guildmaster of Reeves Guildmaster of Knights
Reign # 1: Sept 2008 - Feb 2009 Skrag Raphael Garik Weezicus Wolfstar N/A
Reign # 2: Feb 2009 - August 2009 Covus Helstaven Leon Boisgard Sir Raphael Weezicus / Bromos Wolfstar N/A
Reign# 3: Aug 2009 - Feb 14 2010 Aries Silvertree Demi Miago Bromos / Jager Raphael protem N/A
Reign# 4: Feb 2010 - Aug 2010 Aiden Rayhawk Scytale Jager / Jager Raphael N/A
Reign # 5: Aug 2010 - Feb 2011 Miago Garik Sir Raphael Jager / Rayhawk Broton N/A
Reign # 6: Feb 2011 - Aug 2011 Garik Covus Sir Raphael Rayhawk / Rayhawk Miago N/A
Reign # 7: Aug 2011 - Feb 2012 Broton Viollette Sir Raphael Rayhawk / Shaft Aiden N/A
Reign # 7: Feb 2012 - Aug 2012 Broton Rayhawk Sir Raphael Shaft Aiden N/A