Fey Anya
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Baroness Lady Fey Anya Marina Doomwind Blackleaf, of Black Ember Fortress, in the Kingdom of Tal Dagore
"If you give selflessly, the rewards are GREAT, The paychecks are not monetary, but worth far more than any penny you will ever receive, and The Memories are Priceless!!!!!", Baroness Fey Anya to her MaA Elliot, June 4th 2010
I was wandering through the woods one day, to find a Pagan Picnic in 2007 and oh gawd, the weirdos to see.... this wee lil Fey just couldn't believe her eyes... "WOW, THEY ARE AS WEIRD AS I", could this be my new family???? Please let them accept someone so kooky as me...."
- Page, Belted to Baronet Heartwynd of Doomwind, June 08', I am her faithful page and she is my Mentor even when I become a Lady, (I Love My Sis)
- Lady, by Duchess Heartwynd October 24th, 2009
Belted Family
Man at Arms
Noble Household
- Man At Arms - Elliot Teach, April 18th,2010 - June 16, 2012
- Received Lord Title, Best Wishes in all his Future endeavors!
- Man At Arms - Bishop Plague, October 24th, 2010 -
- Man At Arms - Kermit Sparrow , October 15th, 2011 -
- Man At Arms - Akira Ishtar, October 15th, 2011 - February 25th, 2012
- moved goals per my request with many thanks to Erewen!
- Best Wishes Sweet Girl may you continue to succeed with all your dreams!
- I am never far away to help!
- moved goals per my request with many thanks to Erewen!
- Page - Kermit Sparrow , June 21st, 2010 - October 15th, 2011
- moved to MaA
- Page - Akira Ishtar, April 30th, 2011 - October 15th, 2011
- moved to MaA
- Page - Shadrach Flameborn, August 8th, 2010 - October 4th, 2010
- moved to Sword Belt goals, Best Wishes!
Affiliated Groups
- Wendy and The Lost Boys - Wendy
- Amazons - Daughter to Jetamio Grimwulff
- The House of the Wandering Unicorns - Unicorn
- House of the Hungry Soldier - Proprietor
- Western Gate Bardic Troupe
- Critter and the Hot Chicks
- Chicken Headed Samurais - Momma Hen
- House Of Plague - Mother Pestilence
- Blue Hood Marque B.O.D.
- Midwestern Amtgard Paranormal Society - Ghost Hunter
- House of Grayskull - Lady of the House
- House FAB
- Bards and Nobles - Secret Keeper
- Black and Whites
- Prime Minster of Western Gate Duchy, January 2012 - July 2012
- Prime Minster of Western Gate Duchy, July 2011 - January 2012
- Prime Minster of Western Gate Duchy, January 23rd, 2011 - July 2011
- Protem Monarch of Western Gate Duchy, February 2nd, 2010 - May 16th, 2010
- Regent of Western Gate Duchy, October 2009 - February 2010
- Regent of Western Gate, April 2009 - October 2009
- Western Gate BOD, October 2008 - October 2009 when it was dissolved to Kingdom levels
- Feast O'crat:
- Western Gate, Birthday Bash, July 2008
- Western Gate, Color Day, August 2008 (Roman Daze)
- & Aug. 2nd, 2009 (Legend of the Fey)
- Western Gate, Color Day, August 2008 (Roman Daze)
- Western Gate Coronation, Oct. 2008 (Thorge's Land, Reign of Big Head)
- Western Gate Duchy Tenth Anniversary,Knoblander X, and the First Inaugural Principality of Western Gate Coronation. October 24th 2009
- Knoblander 11, Tal Dagore Coronation October 29, 30th and 31st, 2010, Feast Help and Decor Help.
- Western Gate, Grim Yuletide December 2008
- & Grim Yuletide December 2009
- & Grim Yuletide January 2011 with Tal Dagore WM/DM
- & Grim Yuletide January 2012
- & Grim Yuletide January 2011 with Tal Dagore WM/DM
- & Grim Yuletide December 2009
- Western Gate, Grim Yuletide December 2008
- IK - Keep on the Borderlands, September 16th - 19th, 2010, Feast Decor O'crat and helped with feast.
- IK - Keep on the Borderlands, September 15th - 18th, 2010, Feast Decor O'crat and helped with feast.
- IK - Keep on the Borderlands, September 16th - 19th, 2010, Feast Decor O'crat and helped with feast.
- Western Gate Coronation, October 14th - 16th, 2011, Feast help for Dinner and Breakfast(The Torch Club in Alton Ill. Reign of Monarch Mynok}
- Western Gate Coronation, April 13th - 15th, 2012, Feast help for Dinner(The Torch Club in Alton Ill. Reign of Monarch Saig} Queen Ivey poisoned everyone!
Notable Accomplishments
- Travels extensively, having been to approximately four or more events per year since she joined in 2007.
- Helped start the Order of the Black Flame Chapter with the city of Alton Ill.
- They have now changed their name to Black Ember Fortress.
- Helped start Blood Steel Valley Chapter in Granite City Ill. at Horseshoe Lake Park.
- Own First Amt-legal Frying Pan at IK/Keep Sept 11' Thanks Heydeez!
- Has cooked in some way for someone at every event attended.
- Started at Pagan Picnic June 2007, Discovered Amtgard
- Western Gate Coronation, Sept. 2007 Carlyle Park Ill. (My first event ever! Reign of Duke Rathius)
- Grim Yultide December 2007 (First ever fighting in TWO & a HALF FOOT OF SNOW)
- Rising Winds, March 2008 (Reign of Clyde Arrowny)
- Western Gate Coronation, March 2008
- Discord, April 2008
- Rising Winds, June 2008
- Became Paged to Heartwynd of Doomwind
- Western Gate, Birthday Bash, July 2008
- Western Gate, Color Day, Aug. 2008 (Roman Daze)
- Bridge Wars, Sept. 2008 (Reign of Thorvald King Ring Giver)
- Western Gate Coronation, Oct. 2008 (Thorge's Land, Reign of Big Head)
- Rising Winds, Nov. 2008
- First Western Gate Masquarade/Grim Yultide, December 2008(Visited by King Thorvald)
- Rising Winds Coronation, March 2009 (Reign of Thorvald Pirate King)
- Asked to move to Dragon Moon Keep March 15th, 2009 at Crown Quals by Thorge Badgerheart
- Western Gate Coronation, April 2009 (Reign of Heartwynd at Freedom Lake)
- Rising Winds Midreign, June 2009, Help run Childrens Guild Activities with Heartwynd, a Pirate Theme
- Clan 2009 Riodoso, New Mexico July 21 - 26 2009
- Became Principality
- Western Gate, Colour Day, Aug. 2nd, 2009 (Legend of the Fey)
- Bridge Wars, Sept. 2009 (Reign of Varas)
- Western Gate Duchy Tenth Anniversary,Knoblander X, and the First Inaugural Principality of Western Gate Coronation
- Second Term of Regent of Western Gate Duchy
- Received Lady Title
- Second Term of Regent of Western Gate Duchy
- Became Western Gate Monarch - Protem February 2nd, 2010
- Principality of Tal Dagore Coronation, Received my Baroness Title from Prince Rammork, May 1st,2010
- Stepped down as Monarch - May 16th, 2010
- Moved to Dragon Moon Keep shortly after stepping down, soooo much closer, and yet traveling farther to play, from park to park throughout the Kingdom!
- Clan 2010 Riodoso, New Mexico July 20 - 25 2010, Became Kingdom of Tal Dagore, "Bow before the Great Axe Thrown"
- IK - Keep on the Boarderlands, Lake Shelbyville Ill. September 16,17,18th and 19th,2010 Feast Decor O'crat and helped with feast and service.
- Knoblander 11, Tal Dagore Coronation October 29, 30th and 31st, 2010, Feast help and décor Help.
- Moved back to Western Gate, end of November beginning of December with a lot of discussion and thought. DMK will be very missed but will visit as often as possible.
- Became Prime Minister of Western Gate January 23rd, 2011 and working on third term.
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