Death Knight
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- Death Knights are the spirits of fallen heroes, usually paragons of good such as Paladins, who committed an immensely evil act and betrayed their oaths, although occasionally they are the spirits of knight’s who were evil in life. They have been returned to this world as undead knights, cursed to forever walk the earth. They resemble ghostly skeletons wearing ornate armor, with glowing red eyes staring from deep beneath their helms.
- — Dor Un Avathar X
Game Statistics
Garb |
Requirements | May only be played by a Knight |
Monster Type | Undead |
Level | Scenario |
Power Rating | 5 |
Armor | 2 (Natural Invulnerability), 4 (Worn, Ancestral) |
Shields | Any |
Weapons | Any Melee, Javelins |
- Immune to Command (T)
- Immune to Flame (T)
- Immune to Death (T)
- Power Word (M) unlimited
- Ancestral Armor (N)
- Flame Blade (T)
- Stun (M) 2/life (Incant: “By the power of dark night, I stun thee.”)
- Awe (M) 2/life
- Poison (ex) (self-only) 1/Life, Charge x3
- Steal Life Essence (M) 3/life
- Brutal Strike (ex) (Ambulant) 3/Life
- Undead Minion (M) 2/life
- None
Special Notes
- Please see the General Monster Rules for additional traits and limitations of all Monsters.
- None