Armor Combat Rules

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Armor Combat Rules

Armor is rated by its ability to stop wounds and is referred to as Armor Points. Armor with an Armor Point value rating higher than allowed to a Player Class may be worn for the highest value allowed to the Player Class.

Hits to armor in a hit location affect that hit location, regardless of if a physical piece of armor covers multiple hit locations. Example: Hitting the sleeve of a chainmail shirt will only affect that arm, and not the torso. There are four possible mechanics involved with counting blows to armor:

  1. A hit to armor from any weapon will remove one Armor Point from the location hit.
  2. A hit to armor from a weapon, Magic Ball, etc with the Armor Breaking Special Effect.
  3. A hit to armor from a weapon, Magic Ball, etc with the Armor Destroying Special Effect.
  4. A hit to armor from a weapon, Magic Ball, etc with the Siege Special Effect.
  5. Contacts to armor from objects which do not fall into the above categories will have no effect on the armor and pass through to the location underneath unless otherwise noted.

See Special Effects Defined for more information on these effects.

Armor with no remaining Armor Points no longer interacts with hits from weapons, Magic Balls, etc.

Armor only protects the area that it covers. Example: You have armor on the front of your leg, but a gap on your thigh, and are struck in the area left open by the gap. You are wounded and the armor itself takes no damage.

Armor present on a wounded hit location will continue to function and stop blows as per normal. This does not exempt wounded arms from the requirement to be kept out of combat.

Hits to armor covering a foot that strike below the ankle while that foot is on the ground have no effect on the armor and pass through to the location underneath unless otherwise noted.

Armor worn under garb or other armor must be partially visible, and must be declared if asked.

Armor Combat Rules · Armor Rating and Safety · Armor Types and Modifiers · Construction Requirements
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