Armor Types and Modifiers

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Armor Types and Modifiers

Each Armor Type is rated with base points equal to its tier. Armor may also receive bonuses and penalties, which change its rating by one Armor Point. These modifiers may not result in the armor type receiving more than its maximum rating, except for Heavy Helms.

Appearance: Exceptionally aesthetically pleasing armor may be awarded a bonus. Armor that is well below standard in appearance may be given a penalty.

Construction: Exceptionally durable or well-crafted armor may be given a bonus. Some examples of this would be being made from at least 75% steel, being made of significantly thicker material than standard, riveted or welded chainmail rings, and so on. A penalty may be given if armor is in poor repair, is made of thinner materials than standard, and so forth.

Layered Armor: Where multiple layers of armor overlap, such as chainmail over cloth or leather over chainmail, the overlapping area is given a bonus over the highest rated armor's usual rating.

Helm Bonus: Helms provide a bonus to the Torso location, and are divided into two categories: Light Helms, and Heavy Helms. The helm must cover at least 50% of the area from the base of the neck upwards.

Light Helms must meet the requirements of at least a Tier 2 armor type. The torso bonus received for a Light Helm may not exceed the maximum value for the armor type.
Heavy Helms must meet the requirements of at least a Tier 4 armor type. The torso bonus received from a Heavy Helm may allow the wearer to exceed the maximum value for the armor type.
Tier Max Points Armor Types
1 2 Cloth/Padded
2 3 Light Leather, Flexible Synthetic
3 4 Heavy Leather, Butcher's Mail, Rigid Synthetic
4 5 Light Scale, Chainmail
5 6 Heavy Scale, Butted Plate (Splint, Kikko, etc)
6 7 Lamellar, Laminar, Brigandine, Plate
Special - Ambiguous Armor

See Also:

Armor Combat Rules · Armor Rating and Safety · Armor Types and Modifiers · Construction Requirements
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