Armor Construction Requirements

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Armor Construction Requirements

All armor must meet certain construction requirements according to its type.
  1. Armor that is made from materials thinner than the minimum thickness is not allowed.
  2. Armor that is made from materials significantly above the standard may qualify for the Superior Construction bonus.
  3. All Tier 4-6 armor is assumed to be made of metal, as well as butcher's mail.
Material Minimum Standard Superior
Cloth Cannot be substandard 1/16" 1/8"
Flexible Synthetic Cannot be substandard 3/32” 1/8"
Light Leather 4oz (1/16") 6oz (3/32”) 8oz (1/8")
Heavy Leather Cannot be substandard 10oz (5/32”) 12oz (3/16”)
Rigid Non Metal/Rigid Synthetic Cannot be substandard 3/16” 1/4"
Aluminum Round Rings 18ga swg (0.048”) 16ga swg (0.064”) 14ga swg (.080”)
Aluminum Flat Rings 20ga swg (0.036”) 18ga swg (0.048”) 16ga swg (0.064”)
Aluminum Scales 20ga (0.030”) 18ga (0.040”) 16ga (0.051”)
Aluminum Sheet Metal 18ga (0.040”) 16ga (0.051”) 14ga (0.064”)
Steel Round Rings 20ga swg (0.036”) 18ga swg (0.048”) 16ga swg (0.064”)
Steel Flat Rings 22ga swg (0.028”) 20ga swg (0.036”) 18ga swg (0.048”)
Steel Scales 22ga (0.030”) 20ga (0.036”) 18ga (0.048”)
Steel Sheet Metal 20ga (0.036”) 18ga (0.048”) 16ga (0.060”)


Must be visually distinct from garb.

Butcher's Mail/Sharkmail

This armor type is for machine-welded chain mesh. There are no material thickness requirements for this armor, and it may receive no modifiers for superior construction. Any weave pattern is permitted, but it must not allow a 1/8" dowel to pass through.

Rigid Non-Metal/Synthetic Armor

Rigid armor that utilizes unusual materials must meet any non-material requirements for the style of armor that it is mimicking. The density of the material must be at least equal to 0.9g/cm³, equal to HDPE plastic.


Any weave is permitted, but a 1/2" dowel must not pass through. Rings must have an aspect ratio (AR) of 8 or less.

Light Scale

Consists of unbacked small metal scales directly attached to one another by metal rings or similar methods. Scales must overlap by at least 10%, and the backing must not be visible through the scales. Scales are individually mobile.

Heavy Scale

Consists of metal scales attached to a heavy cloth or similar backing. Scales must overlap by at least 10%, and the backing must not be visible through the scales. Scales are held rigidly together.

Butted Plate (Splint, Kikko, etc)

Consists of numerous non-overlapping plates. Plates are spaced no more than 1/2" apart, and cover at least 75% of the armor.


Plates must overlap by at least 10%, and connect to one another with no supportive backing.


75% of plates must overlap by at least 10%. Plates are attached to a backing and are held firmly together when worn.


75% of the plates used must be large enough to cover 10% of the full hit location, excepting joint articulations.

Ambiguous Armor

Armor that doesn't clearly fit into any of the typical armor styles should be rated at the discretion of the reeve and matched to the nearest style. If it is not made of metal, it should be rated no higher than Tier 3.

If an armor type is not listed here, it has no special construction requirements beyond material thickness.

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