Kyrow The Fox

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Revision as of 08:22, 30 December 2009 by Kyrowthefox (talk | contribs) (→‎Bio)

Page Kyrow the Fox, of the Frost Lands in the Rising Winds

Sporting his "Taver Loves Me" Favor
"Have fun as you play the game as it drives you insane especially when you have foxes on the brain."


Name: Kyrow the fox
Type: Mystical Fey Humanoid
Race: Kitsune 2 tail/Wood Elf
Height: 5"11'
Weight: 145lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Gender: Male
Profession: Black smith, Story teller, Mercanery, Adventure
Hobbies: Archery, Questing, Chain maille crafting and Foam craft
Alignment: Neutral Good
Realigon: Fellower of Illmater
Fighting company: The Order of Dark Tower
Likes: Ditches, Class battles, Light weapons, Visiting parks, doing Kingdom events, and G.A.C.
Dislikes: Gay people hitting on him, People that Build HATE weapons and fail fighting companys.
Background story:

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishements

Additional Images

More Information