Luna Starbright
WaA Luna Starbright, of the Shire of Mystic Springs, the Celestial Kingdom
Wanderer: "...Why aren't you knighted yet?"
Luna: "...Because I've only been playing for six months..."
Wanderer: "...Oh..."
'"Damn woman, how much garb did you MAKE?!"'-Raven
Quotes by the famous, Luna :
"Chocolate, NOM!"
A senior in high school, Luna found out about Amtgard through a staff member at said high school (Mistress Wynd).
After talking with the staff member, she ran off and told a friend (ZZ) about it. The friend so happened to know what it was, and explained that she had gone.
Luna was so intrigued; known for her fascination with all things geeky; she had to check out the park.
The First Day
Only left one day to make a weapon and get an outfit together, Luna had went to Mystic Springs in black and white "closet" garb, and her PVC sword wrapped in duct tape and tights.
Having several looks from others, she fit in quickly and made many friends that day (Sludig, Jasco and Itsari).
The Present
Luna is currently training with a polearm and becoming proficient in archery
Itsari's Woman at Arms
Currently learning how to sew with Dame Shelai, and has made about 8 textile products within two weeks (See picture at top of page)
Luna is one of the many victims of Doom, the world famous stalker.
Plan of Attack
Luna currently wants to become a Master Scout, but also wants to be an Archer and Assassin. She has devised a plan...
1) Become Master Scout
2) Alternate between Archer and Assassin every other gained level
Life Goal
Luna's life goal in the Amtgard community, is to one day become a Knight of the Serpent, for her skills in cooking and art. She also wants to become a Knight of the Flame, for her awesome volunteer skills. Luna also plans be become more and more flurby, making her garb more authentic to different regions around the world along with speaking in character when around people.
- Luna is known for her fascination with lime green, and her lime green swords.
- Luna tries to find ways to make innovative garb (T-shirt tunic) and inexpensive weapons
- Luna is the sister WaA to Delespheron
- Luna has already gotten three newbies to come to Mystic Springs within the year of 2008
- Luna currently goes to NWV in San Antonio, TX...this makes her a poor college student...
Affiliated Groups
- Prospect of the Ministers of Grace.
- Midwest Trading Company -Ship's cook and doctor of the Surly Mermaid
- Dreamweavers
- I.L.B.F. - Henchman No. 13
- House Lioness
- Club Cthulhu
- Petitioner of the Wardancers
Belted Family
Luna is Woman-at-Arms to Itsari, who is Squire to Dame Linden Tul
Luna Starbright, Itsari, and Delespheron.
Notable Accomplishments
- Mystic Springs / Slaughter Creek / Talonfield Triple Midreign Feast-o-crat - August 2008
Luna is known, by few, for starting the "NOM" fad throughout Mystic Springs (Specifically to Itsari, Delespheron and Abi Cross). The story goes, that while at Spring War, Luna was making smores for whoever stepped foot near her campsite. Her and her friends were enjoying the delicious desserts, as she saw the one small square of Hershey's left. Luna quickly snatched up the piece and said "CHOCOLATE *insert chocolate into mouth* NOM!"...much laughing perused.
Luna Starbright : Worth 10 pudding cups - Sir Jynx Mercades
Additional Images
The Surly Mermaid Pirate Crew
Clan 26, 25th Anniversary
July 2008
Luna Starbright thinks you smell weird.
Luna Starbright : Mystic Springs School Girl