From AmtWiki
Duchy of Mordengaard

The Wetlands
Established in the lates 1980s, The Duchy of Mordengaard is the oldest park of the Wetlands. They were founded as a park under the Burning Lands but soon were incorporated by the Celestial Kingdom. At Spring War in 1996, they joined with two other parks, Granite Spyre and the Mushroom Shrine to form the Kingdom of the Wetlands. Originally found at Bee Creek Park in College Station, Texas, they have recently moved to Hensel park due to city construction.
First Newsletter of Mordangarrd.
- Ant
- Backstab
- Crom
- Harlan
- Kane
- Megiddo
- Muskrat
- Patch
- Pink
- Porthos
- Raton
- Stoner
- Slyddur
- Teaser
- Tilver
- Zachry_Ironwolf
Contacts and directions
Mailing List Mordengaard Website