Fiona Briarthorn
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Revision as of 02:36, 8 October 2024 by Briarthorn (talk | contribs)
Page Fiona Briarthorn, of Mag Mell, of the Freeholds of Amtgard
Fiona began playing in 2010 in Niflheim in the frozen MN north. She took a long break from the game and came back under her new persona in a new location wishing to bring the game of Amtgard to the Fargo/Moorhead area.
Affiliated Groups
Belted Family
Sir Queball (Flame, 2014) (Crown, 2018) (Serpent, 2021) (Battle, 2023)
- Squire Steeeeeve
- Squire Duran Cannon
- Sir Kismit (Flame, 2023)
- Abir Shale Nfty (Flame, 2018)
- Sir Dillon (Serpent, 2022)
- Sir Zike McNasty (Flame, 2019) (Crown, 2024)
Notable Accomplishments
Additional Images
- Link to image 1
- Link to image 2