Samael McNikle
Il Duque Samael McNikle, Selfie King of Polaris, of Greenharbor, under Polaris
”Well... balls.”
"This forest is old... old as balls!"
"So much for the snowbeast."
McNikle was introduced to the game by Val in early 2010, he played on and off for a few months until Kite brought him to D.O.G. in Mankato, MN. He fell in love with event atmosphere and the competitive nature of battlegame at events. He moved to Polaris in early 2014.
- McNikles is the spooniest.
RP Biography
Samael is the head of the McNikle family. Gallios and Kothir are his two in game brothers and Beatrice McNikle is his real life and in game wife.
Affiliated Groups
Formerly of Einherjar
Belted Family
Grand Duke Sir Broton P. Locksalt - (Crown, 2020), (Battle, 2022)
I. Valkyrie Vladma Steelborne - (Serpent, 2023)
II. Archiduque Sir Samael McNikle - (Flame, 2023), (Crown, 2024)
III. Squire Kite Avicenna
Notable Accomplishments & Titles
Offices Held
- Sheriff of Lands End (October 2011 - March 2012)
- Sheriff/Founder of Ashberne (March 2013 - March 2014)
- Duke of Mists of the Dawn (May 2016 - November 2016)
- GMR of Mists of the Dawn (November 2017 - March 2018)
- Chancellor of Mists of the Dawn (March 2018 - August 2018)
- Baron of Ethereal Tides (January 2019 - July 2019)
- Sherriff of Stoneborn Keep (August 2019 - February 2021)
- King of Polaris (February 2021 - August 2022)
- Champion of Polaris (February 2023 - August 2023)
- Master Rose, February 2022
- Given title of Lord by Prince Argile of Rivermoor, August 2012
- Given title of "Troll of Lands End" by entire park.
- Given title of "Bringer of Hoes" by Lauxus Stormtide in 2019.
- While not an official title, is known as "the Selife King of Polaris" by most of Polaris, for his sheer amount of selfies taken.
- Given Title of Duke by King Merric XV at Polaricon 2022.
Other Notable Accomplishments
- Founding member and First Captain of Espada
- Founding member of Good Game Academy
- Founded the free hold of Ashberne with his in game brother Kreon.
- Warchief of the Einherjar (May 2015 - February 2017)
- Founded the free hold of Stoneborn Keep in 2019.
- Accidentally crashed the wedding of Cena and Lyrah in 2022
Additional Images
The Showdown: Goomba vs McNikle
More Information
- Facebook[1]
- Company Website