Ivory Tower
A Duchy of Rivermoor in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Party per chevron azure and tawny, a tower argent surrounded dexter by an axe argent, and sinister by a sword argent.
In the barbaric past, the Ivory Tower was desolate. Its first attempts to be settled by civilized men and women failed, circa 2001. A second exploit was attempted, beginning in February of 2005 by Raku eben Xerxes and Ruuna Darkwolf. Their efforts blossomed forth a young pioneer shire. Acting as our leaders and examples, they fostered an environment friendly to companionship. However, success was not easy coming. After many months of three person class battles (consisting of all warriors), an influx of rookies hit. During this migration, many of our current leaders and veterans made their way to the Shire, bringing friends and family to participate in the revelry. In 2007, The Ivory Tower was a healthy Barony where numbers were solid, albeit unimpressive.
During its time as a Barony, internal strife, harsh winters and record loss caused problems within the Ivory Tower, resulting in a low amount of participants in gamedays. While troubling, this was shortlived. Young leaders began to emerge within the households and fighting companies in the Ivory Tower. With the ORK fixed, calendars set and the blessing of fair winters, the Ivory Tower entered an age of prosperity circa 2011. The Ivory Tower now has an annual average monthly attendance of 46.25 unique individuals, with its peak index of unique sign ins per quarter (Apr 01 thru Jun 30) averaging 60.667 unique sign ins. Our highest month of attendance on record is June 2013, with 80 unique sign ins (including guests). Our highest day is currently August 11th, 2013 with 69 participants including guests. In August of 2013 the Ivory Tower was elevated to the status of Duchy by Prince Selhrac of Rivermoor.
The Ivory Tower hosts several households and fighting companies, which include The Iron Spire, Einherjar, Clan Raion, the Free Company, Jackal Company, Forlorn Hope, and Eternal Flame.
Current Monarchy
- Duke: Barabas the Bastard
- Regent: Lord Jackal no Matosai Hiromashi Sakura, Walker-of-the Middle
- Prime Minister: Lord Roken Clydeson
- Champion: Bjorn Fellhand
- Guild Master of Reeves: Bamboo MacConneheigh
- The Ivory Tower in 2013
- Acropolis
- Amber
- Dusty
- Appollos
- Aragorn
- Aust Nailo
- Baden Zahar
- Barry
- Bamboo MacConneheigh
- Bjorn Fellhand
- Bryg
- Deathtar
- Dominic Borgia de Milano, Barone
- Emrys Laetifica
- Etiene
- Gar Fenrir
- Genevive
- Viscount Genghis Scarpaw
- Ghorsh/ Lord Q
- Haruko Knivez
- Hawkeye
- Helen Arkwright
- Jaso Darteon Varrail
- Joshua Tensden
- Katryn
- Keena Ravenwing
- Kilroy
- Kota K. Bloodmoore
- Lasairoina
- Leroy Zweerink
- Lillith Jadefire
- Lloyd Zweerink
- Loric Faol
- Lord Raion no Matosai Hiromashi Sakura, Walker-of-the Middle
- Mojo
- Raion no Teppossette
- Lord Ravian the Armorer
- Rioka
- Riza Arkwright
- Lord Roken Clydeson
- Schpittz
- Seguile
- Sibuna Lov3mor
- Surina
- Tetania Scarpaw
- Topher
- Trill
- Twig
- Veirth
- Vyn
- Lazarus_IT
Inactive Players -
- Hakushaku (Earl) Zhao Squall, Major of Jackal Company
- Lady Raion no Neko, Woman-at-Arms
- Baronet Goose MacDougall
- Kaima Moonfury
- Rowan Greycat Sakura
- Wilhelm Stryker
- Kite Avicenna of Lands End
- Lady Silvia Ellibayne
Contacts and Directions
- If you are from Lincoln, usually somewhere near the brown shelter in Antelope Park (the portion located off of A St).
- If you are from out of town, take the 27th street exit from I-80 and drive down 27th street until you hit A street, Turn left and drive for about four blocks, there should be a sign just before you hit the second set of lights, "Antelope Park" Turn right onto that road. Take the road and turn left at your first left, the brown shelter should be on your left if we are not there just look for the people swinging foam-swords in strange clothes. Please come and enjoy!
- Dates and Times:
- Thursday at 4:00 PM
- Saturday at 4:00 PM
- Sunday(main battle game day) at 12:00 PM
- Thursday at 4:00 PM
Photographs Over the Years
For information on other chapters in Amtgard look here
Amtgard Chapters within the Empire of Rivermoor |
Adari Vaal Keep • Crimson Plains • Everlyn • Ivory Tower • Lost Hills • Northern Fields • Queens Landing • Querna Tema • Silver Riders |