
From AmtWiki

Lady Squire Keladry, of Haranshire, Goldenvale

”I give a shit about a game that gave me something to look forward to every week in high school and continues to give me some of the best friends I've ever had. I couldn't give two shits about who gets knighted in a bathtub.”


"You seem like a nice girl" ~Sir Akrith of Goldenvale Proper

”She's a little package of violence." ~Sir Nathanial Goldenleaf of Twilight Peak


  • Was once given the non-noble titles of "the terrible, no really, you're awful. Please leave you're bothering me. Stop smiling this isn't funny. GTFO, I'm thinking of making you leave site," by Sir Akrith
  • Takes herself extremely seriously

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • Baronial Regent, August 2011 - September 2012, April-October 2013
  • Noble title of Lady, given by King Noodles Aldente of Goldenvale, October 2015

Additional Images


Being fabulous with Ritari of the Sun (Courtesy of Glyn's garb)


The Ebon Order at Battle of the Dens 2015

  • Orkicon2.gif