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Baronetess Ser Diana Starfall, the Just, of Felfrost, Northern Empire, Goldenvale.


Diana taking aim at BotD 2011.


One of the early members of Caradoc Hold before it was known as Caradoc Hold, Diana took a long break due to school stuff and so missed the actual founding of the new group. Playing in spurts for a few years, Diana's made a permanent return and has become involved in most aspects of the game, participating in service to Caradoc and to the Northern groups, showing her talents in the arts and sciences, and founding the Crimson Guard fighting company with Rianne, Blacksnake and Ascli.

After six years in Caradoc, Diana made the move back home to Mass., playing at Goldenvale proper field and making her awesomeness apparent all over the kingdom.

On July 20th 2009, Diana married Ausric, who then went on their honeymoon to Clan.

In 2010, she relocated to Ottawa, Canada to live with her husband, and play in Felfrost.

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments

Belted Family

Positions Held

  • Dragonmaster, Caradoc Hold, April 2005 - October 2005
  • Regent of Caradoc Hold, May 2007 - October 2007
  • Dragonmaster, Caradoc Hold, June 2008 - December 2008
  • Baroness of Caradoc Hold, December 2008 - June 2009
  • Pro-Tem Regent of Felfrost, February 2010 - April 2010
  • Regent of Felfrost, April 2010 - May 2011 (2 terms)
  • Dragonmaster, Felfrost, August 2011 - February 2012
  • Third Principality Consort of the Northern Empire, October 2011 - April 2012

Additional Images

At Goldenvale, as a newly minted Master Dragon, with Duke Sir Bowen

More Information