From AmtWiki
Doughboy Rocksteady of Nine Willows, Golden Plains
"My swords are made of fluffy kittens and babies. So how does my shot hurt?"
Started in Nine Willows around 2005 at the age of 15. Found the stick jock side of amtgard around 18.
Affiliated Groups
- Legion of the Black Cross - Field Marshall
- House Girlscouts
- House T'nirgilesti
- Amalgam (Deadpool)
Belted Family
- Sir Hern Sablewolf - Knight of the Flame, Knight of the Crown
- Sir Neorjin - Knight of the Flame
- Sir Rothgar Blackskull - Knight of the Flame
- Sir Shotgun von Loin - Knight of the Serpent
- Woman-at-Arms Savage
- Man-at-Arms Kyousuke
- Page Daggers
- Sir Bloody Jack Flint - Knight of the Flame
- Squire Safire Moon
Notable Accomplishments
Master Rose, July 2010
Additional Images
Doughboy recieving love from the populace of Irongate. - February, 2010
More Information
(Thinks foamies are highly under rated)
(loves Warlord Sports Polearms)
Saracen guy's ribs:0
CEO for Amtgard Insurance Adjustment Bureau