Cole Caecus

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Man-At-Arms, Cole Caecus , of Mithril Hills Blackspire

”Cole, the Castrator!”



Cole Caecus (Cole 'cake-us') (adjective, Latin 1. BLIND 2. UNSEEING 3. SIGHTLESS)

Travis Hughes joined Amtgard at the urging of his girlfriend Klepto in the summer of 2009. After having spent many years in his own boffer group making fun of Amtgard, Cole soon found that Amtgard was better than he thought. Since joining Mithril Hills, Cole has been bringing new, unique weapons to the field, writing quests, and has been serving as Ducal Chancellor. He is also now belted Man-at-Arms to Lord Highlander.

Affiliated Groups

Shadow Wolves Company (Elite)

House Amtaku (Cadet)

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

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