Bear Bear
Lord Squire Bear Bear, of Thor's Refuge, Defender of Westmarch
Bear-Bear first started Amtgard in the United Kingdom of 2003 at RAF Lakenheath. He was serving in the US Air Force for the 48th Security Forces and responded to a flyer made by Sir Arasin and Madame Weilok. He participated in Amtgard up until 2005. His name was given to him by both American and British children. His main class he participated in was Warrior.
Three years later, Bear-Bear left the US Air Force and began a new civilian life of being a full-time student. Madame Weilok suggested that he should meet up with Sir Euric Bloodstone and sign up with Thor's Refuge (in Sacramento, CA). Since then he's taken up the class Barbarian.
His colors are Green, Blue, and Silver, and uses his personal bear-symbol in Gold.
Bear bear has been the driving force behind the dungeon crawl 2009, and 2010. Bear bear was the one who found the haunted houses for us to use, did 99.8 percent of the work necessary to get us into the haunted house and designed the entire scenario both years. It has since become a tradition for Thor's Refuge to participate in the build and set up of the Haunted house, as well as the dungeon crawl. During his first reign as Duke of Thor's Refuge, Bear-Bear helped raise over $600 for charity and continues to show how big his heart is by raising cash for those in need.
Affiliated Groups
- Einhenjar, a team of the California Jugging League
- Crimson Marauders, company member
- Zombie Protection Patrol
Belted Family
- Baron Sir Flynn
Notable Accomplishments
- Defender of Westmarch - King thistledown notagnome, May 2023
- Master Barbarian - Given by Duke Hannoske - Thor's Refuge, May 2011
- Duke, Thor's Refuge, May-November 2011
- Champion, Westmarch, several times