No sword and sorcery setting is complete without monsters, those creatures from imagination or legend, both good and evil, that are somehow more (or less) than human. Monsters in Amtgard can represent the smallest, friendliest sprite, the largest most fearsome dragon, or anything else in between.
- Examples
- Centaurs, Dragons, Dwarves, Werewolves, Vampires, Deadly Slime.
Monster is a special class, playable only in games where the game designer and local
monarch have given their permission for the class to be used. A player playing Monster in a class battlegame is identified by wearing two Eye
Class Symbols. The eyes may be of any solid color on a contrasting background. A player’s
level in the Monster class determines which Monsters they may portray. For more information and rules regarding the Monster class please refer to the
Dor Un Avathar.
A fanged mouth on a red field: a common heraldry for Monsters
Monster Lists
A listing of all monsters for the current rules can be found here:
Additional monster resources