Falcon Tor

From AmtWiki
Amtgard Chapter
Falcon Tor Logo.jpg
Falcon Tor
Kingdom Tal Dagore
Status Duchy
City Columbia, Missouri
Park The Arc Mu Health Pavillion (1701 W Ash St, Columbia, MO 65202)
Meets on Sunday at 2:00pm
Founded 2007
Active Active

A Duchy of the Kingdom of Tal Dagore, located in Columbia, Missouri.


Lord Shadus and Baron Sir Lorell created the Amtgard chapter of Falcon Tor in June of 2007. They reformed the chapter and had their first meeting at Stephens Lake Park. The group moved to Ashland, then back to Columbia in 2011. Currently the group plays at the Columbia ARC at 1701 W Ash Street in Columbia Missouri.

Our notable players include Viscount Sir Lorell, Sir Warlord Wyldecatt, Countess Angiel, Baron Squire Cliffton, Duke Sir Beldin Blackleaf, Countess Dame Silverleaf, Lady Cupcake the Baker, Lady Terrylyn Darkstalker, and Lord Daelin Darkstalker.

Falcon Tor was awarded the Order of the Flame [1] June 2017 in recognition of the midreign feast it provided. Uncoincidentally, Sir Beldin received his knighthood at that event.

Falcon Tor (with their friends throughout the realms of Amtgard) is also a major part of the Central Missouri Renaissance Festival, which is two weekends of fun in the Spring, with additional weekend of fun available in October. Come out and visit us.

Interview with Shadus at Twilight Festival

Companies and Households

Black Heaven
Aberrant Dawn
The Pack
Peregrine Guard


Duke Saint Sir Beldin Blackleaf
Regent Alro
Prime Minister Lady Freya Flowerfoot
Champion Kenji Flowerfoot

People of Falcon Tor


Contacts and Directions

We meet weekly every Sunday at 2:00 P.M. at The Arc Mu Health Pavillion: 1710 W Ash St, Columbia, MO 65202.

Contact us by visiting our Facebook page Falcon Tor

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Amtgard Chapters within Tal Dagore
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