Elsa Von Liechtenstein

From AmtWiki

Viscountess Master Squire Elsa Von Liechtenstein

Duchy of the Desert Rose, Desert Winds

"She's cute, he's pissed, she'll see you in the lists, Lichtenstein!"

"She's the chick with the hat!"



"I swear, her eyes are in her shirt!" -The Great Runestone Lillywinks


Elsa came to the Desert Rose when it was still just a fledgling shire in 2004. She has seen the group grow from that state to that of a Duchy. During this time she was part of the upgrade to Barony Status. She was a founding member of the Dragonblade Mercenaries and has been instrumental in the success of her park on different occasions as well.

Elsa is currently working on an [Amtgard A&S Website] to help all of Amtgard better their A&Sing skills.

Marshall File # 80085DD Though there is nothing on file about the origin of her, Elsa has been seen on the arms of many notable Amtgardia men of influence, the most recent one being Sir Boner. Skilled in various arts, Elsa herself has held many positions, both in and out of office. Elsa can be easily spotted in a crowd, wearing her trademark hat and low cut shirts. Well know affiliation with the Dragonblade mercenaries, Elsa is an accomplished duelist. It is also well known that Elsa has been connected to very prominient people within the garb exchange, though it is unknown at this time whether or not this is an illegal or legitimate business venture.

Elsa resides with her husband and two children in a quaint cottage in the Desert Rose. Runestone Lillywinks was also staying in the cottage for quite sometime, even though there was no open bedroom for him to stay. Not sure if I want to investigate this further.

Report Submitted by (Marshal's Name Withheld)

Belted Line

Squire to Sir Talisin of the Iron Mountains

Elsa was formerly Woman-at-Arms to Vexx Furia

She has taken Sunflower Hat Stealer and Lady Tyria as her Woman-at-Arms Eragon is her Man-at-Arms

Affiliated Groups

Notable Accomplishments

Positions Held

Other Information

] [Elsa's Amtgard A&S Website]