Vexx Furia

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Duke Master Sir Vexx Furia, of Desert Rose, Kingdom of the Desert Winds



It is unsure when Vexx ventured forth from the untamed lands of mundania to the Desert Rose but he has brough with him a good amount of stick and a willingness to pitch in and help as needed.

Marshal File #DF99210 Vexx Furia

Little is known about the start of the reputation of Vexx Furia. Some speculation came that he might have been a veteran of the Vir Geen wars, but that theory was defunct after the discovery that he had a child nowhere near the war site. Despite his appearance being similiar to that of a Panda bear, Vex is an accomplished fighter, archer, and adept magic user, and has on more than one occasion, swayed a battle. Other known alias include Papa Gino, Slap Bum Wala, and another unknown name used more recently. Further investigation will be put into action to discover this name.

Submitted by (Marshal's name withheld)


  • Duke - Duchy of the Desert Rose, September 2006 - March 2007
  • Ducal Champion - Duchy of the Desert Rose, March 2007 - September 2007
  • Duke - Duchy of the Desert Rose, September 2007 - March 2008
  • Ducal Prime Minister - Duchy of the Desert Rose, May 2008 - November 2008
  • Kingdom Regent - Kingdom of the Desert Winds, May 2009 - November 2009
  • King - Kingdom of the Desert Winds, November 2009 - May 2010
  • Kingdom Regent - Kingdom of the Desert Winds, May 2010 - November 2010
  • Kingdom GMR - Kingdom of the Desert Winds, November 2010 - May 2011
  • Kingdom GMR - Kingdom of the Desert Winds, May 2011 - November 2011
  • Duke - Duchy of the Desert Rose, September 2012 - March 2013

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Notable Accomplishments

  • Received the noble title of Lord in 2007 for his services as Duke
  • Received the noble title of Viscount in 2008 for his services as Duke
  • Received Master Scout in November of 2008
  • Feast-o-crat - Dragon Blade Wars 8 - Aug. 2010
  • Received the noble title of Duke in November of 2010 for his services in Kingdom Offices
  • Created a Knight of the Crown at Salt Wars 2011

  • Orkicon2.gif