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Mistress Squire Raiyta, of Annwyn, Goldenvale

”I'm turning red because a pretty lady poked me in the tummy!”


At BotD 2012


Raiyta came to Amtgard in early 2012, shortly after Annwyn was started. She knew the founding members of the park, came out to try it, and instantly fell in love with the game and it's people. We think she hasn't stopped crafting ever since.

First fought with Rebels of the Sacred Heart at BotD 2012, and has since left to pursue other opportunities.

Accepted a Page belt from Anne Cash at Fury of the Northlands 2012, this was later changed to a Woman at Arms belt at Battle of the Dens 2013.

Affiliated Groups

Belted Family

Positions Held

Notable Accomplishments

Additional Images

  • taylor2h.png

Working on her first dress