House Margarita Chicks

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House Margarita Chicks

A Household

"You girls are out of control."-Randall

"Sexual Harrasment will no longer be tolerated. It will, however, be graded." House Margarita Chicks (Motto created by Ella)

"Bangor feel sorry for you Forest, even a Barbarian knows better than to fight the HMC single-handed. Bangor knows you are used to single-handed, but don't be a fool!" -Bangor

What are we about

House Margarita Chicks is an Amtgard household of women founded with the sole purpose of objectifying Amtgard men. (A simple statment of purpose leads to a high degree of success...)
If you see a belt favor with a margarita glass, suck it in and strike your best pose guys. We will be passing the info back to our other chicks.


The house was started because of this thread on E-Sam.
The house made it's event debut at Rakis 2007 where many of the members did some serious objectification, including the ass-grab-a-thon on Saturday night. Scytale was the hands down (no pun intended) winner of that contest, making him the first to be officially voted on and receive a belt favor from the group.


Belt favors with margarita glasses. Each member has a fruit on the rim, not necessarily excluive to others.


To see information about other groups in Amtgard please see the Household Page.