Aphaydren Stormchaser

From AmtWiki

Lady Squire Aphaydren-Shrouding Mist, Blackspire

”C'mon now it is time to put your big girl panties on and realize it is only foam” SMcampout2007.jpg


Aphaydren started playing in November of 2004. Started out as a non-combatant fearing the foam. This is where her and Sir Gabrial met. There is a time between 2004 and 2005 that she was known for being nothing but a complaining louud mouth that really had nothing constructive for the land. But by the middle of 2006 she decided that her complaining and general nastiness was getting and her land no where. That is when she decided to start help the community know that there was more to those freaks playing at the park. Fundraisers were orchestrated for the community. She starting stepping up to help with feasts, starting running feast,running demo's and became as helpful as possible. During this time she was pledged to Karma fighting company. The members took her under their wing and taught her not to fear the foam or the boys on the field. She started fighting and even though to this day she is not the greatest fighter she gets out there and plays her hardest with all the guys. During her time in Amtgard she has been a member of Shrouding Mist, Greenwood Keep, and Angel's Haven. She is currently a member of Shrouding Mist and plans on staying there until she can't play anymore. Aphaydren is known to always have a garbage bag in her belt pocket ready to clean up after any event-weekly or major.

Affiliated Groups

Church of Apocalypse --Saint of Agitation
Karma--Full Member
House Big Sluff -- The Nice Sluffer
House Margarita Chicks - Founding Chick - Lemon
House Chiurgeon - Active member - Official PITA
Blowjob Brigade - Tongue out and willing

Belted Family

Squired to Sir Adonion

Notable Accomplishments

Champion- Shire ofAngel's Haven-Summer 2007

Regent- Duchy of Shrouding Mist- Summer 2008


Squire - Given by Sir Adonion, June 2005

Lady- Given by Prince Zandar Stormchaser, September 08, 2007


Master Warrior - Given by Prince Damian - Principality of the Northern Lights, March 2007


Order of the Zodiac

  1. Given by Duchess Lady Aurora-BS-Shrouding Mist-January 2008
  2. Given by King Darrian I-BS- January 2008

Classes at 6th level:

Additional Images


More Information

  • Personal Website
  • Company Website