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Welcome to the AmtWiki

Welcome to the AmtWiki, the online Amtgard Encyclopedia that anyone can edit. If you have any questions about editing the wiki, please read the Help Page.

Current Events

Around the Amtworld
  • Join the Amtgard page on facebook for updates on events, chapters, and questions.

Burning Lands

Emerald Hills

Celestial Kingdom

Golden Plains

Iron Mountains

  • Wanna Run Rakis? Got come cool ideas? Bids for Rakis have been opened for a while, and would like to remind you that if you are interested in running Rakis, please let me know! Submit your bid! Deadline will be 1/7/2012! contact me!
  • This past weekend Starmount hosted The Sequel, in Mankato, MN, drawing 102 players from 8 states with 3 kingdoms and nearly every chapter within a 400 miles radius represented at the event.



  • Craft night has moved to back to Azreal-Jade's house, starts wednesdays at seven pm.
  • Weaponmaster and dragonmaster will be the first or second weekend of December
  • A Starcraft themed series of battlegames continues.




  • Thousand Stars XII Monster Bash II May 27-29th: Thousand Stars is back again for your annual castle battle needs, provided by the Principality of Stormhaven! Grant County Fairgrounds, WA
  • Demo at at Crypticon (massive Horror Convention) in Seatac over memorial day weekend and I'm looking for volunteers that have awesome monster costumes or evil looking garb. We're going to have a demo on Saturday, May 28th 1:00p-2:00p and another on Sunday, May 29th 11am-Noon. I have eight free day passes for both days of the event for those that can be a part of this demo.
  • Rosewood Memorial XI June 1-4: Northwest Amtgard's Full Weekend Roleplay Campout is now in its eleventh year! This year, the Pirates have landed! If you like roleplay and plenty of stick-swinging fun, you don't want to miss this event! Cornet Bay ELC at Deception Pass Styate Park, Whidbey Island, WA
  • Malek and Enayat this weekend, they have too many schedule conflicts with SCA events and musical performances his means that Malek will be teaching combat arrow construction and Enayat will be teaching Person woven buttons this Saturday before we have our IO relic quest. I look forward to having them here and hope our archers and garbers take the opportunity to learn new techniques.

Rising Winds

  • Exar takes up the reigns as kingdom prime minister.

Crystal Groves

  • Is holding their kingdom midreign at Feast of Fools in Morgantown WV, May 4th-6th Info

Desert Winds

Tal Dagore

Freeholds Chapters

Find previous editions of Current Events for 2011 here.

Current Events Template

Also see Upcoming Events for local event listings.


Pic of the Week


Map of Neverwinter and Winter's Edge made by Khazon.

Newest Heraldry

Heraldry for Twilight Moon, A freehold chapter located in Fort Myers, Florida.

Heraldry for the chapter of Red Storm under the Emerald Hills in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Kingdom Navigation

Listed in the order of their founding.

Amtgard Personages

The end of an era; Fodder steps down

We, the members of the PacWar Board of Directors, have decided to retire. As such we are dissolving the PacWar NPO, and closing out the PacWar bank account. All monies within the account will be turned over to the Black Spire (BS) Prime Minister, but only on the following conditions:

1. The monies turned over to BS are NOT to be put into the general BS bank account, but are to be kept separate from all other Kingdom monies, with a separate bank account opened solely for the PacWar funds.

2. PacWar funds are NOT to be used for ANY kingdom function, or ANY OTHER purpose, other than the annual Black Spire sponsored Inter-Kingdom camping event known as PacWar.

3. PacWar should continue to be ran by the winners of a bidding process, so that a diverse group can be allowed to run the event. The bidding process may be changed/modified by the Kingdom, but bids should be open to all Kingdom Members.

4. Winners of the bidding process should be determined by joint agreement of the Kingdom Offices of the King, the Regent, the Prime Minister, and the Champion.

5. While at this time there is less than $2000 in the PacWar account due to unforeseen added expenses from the KoA PacWar, we feel that this is a minimum amount needed to run an event of this size, and as such, until this minimum is met, all profits from future PacWars will be put back into the PacWar account. Once the minimum of $2000 is reached, and maintained, then profits from future PacWars could be split with the Kingdom account. The Monarchy can decide on how to split profits, but that decision must be backed with an Althing approval.

6. All of the conditions (including this one) are to be added to the Kingdom Corpora as addendum, and may only be altered/removed by an Althing vote with a super-majority vote of 2/3rds approval.

(The conditions listed above will be put into Corpora wording before being put to an Althing vote for approval)

If the above conditions are met, then the PacWar treasurer will cut a check to the Kingdom for all monies in the current PacWar account and turn it over to the Kingdom PM, and will close out the account.

It's been a great 7 years, with ups and downs, successes and failures, and for the most part, good times. PacWar has become a North West Amtgard tradition, and needs to continue to grow and prosper with the Kingdom. While we as PWBoD members may have reached a point that we can no longer give Pacwar the attention that it deserves, don't be surprised if you do not see some or all of us putting in a bid for PacWar in the future.

If you wish to put in a bid please subbmit it now to king shorty or fodder.

Sir Moonshine Speaker of knight's Annihalus-4-life

Harvest War 2009 (Article)

Amtwiki Exclusive: Ten Man Tourney to be held at the Rising Winds

Our Five Newest Knights

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