Jynx Mercades
Lord Squire Jynx Mercades, of Heaven's Abyss Golden Plains.
”So NO SHIT... there I was..”
At Sword Knight Idol at Spring War 2007 vs. Dizzy
Started in the Barony of Shadowvale Late fall of 94, early 95, running away from EVERYONE. He's moved to several places, to include the Barony of Nine Willows, Ardent Sands, Dark Oasis, and Shrouding Mists, to name a few. Once a lifetime member of Dragonspine, the land he played in eventually broke contract with the Kingdom, due to distance reasons, and is currently working to get a contract with Golden Plains. Once having been cited as having no 'fashion sense' as to garb, according to Sir Quicksilver of Dragonspine, his bitter buddy. All around shot sluffing bastard, who's received GRIFFONS for his attempts to sluff the foam goodness.
He has been page to WAY too many people in this world, and was Squired to Sir Feral Lynn in 2000. he was also taken as a procective member of the Ministers of Grace at Spring War 06. All in all, a fairly approchable guy, and is the originator of the "Guy who Sluffs" stories told ALL OVER the place at events.
Jynx is also one of those "old school" amtgarders. His devotion and dedication to the game and its people is astounding. He's been known to belt wayward youths and let them live on his couch.
Affiliated Groups
Creator of HBS a.k.a. House Big Sluff, member of the comapany Sterling Dogs
Belted Family
Jynx has one page; Tavia Montrera, as well as one Man-at-Arms Thorshammer
Notable Accomplishments
- Also most noteable in his history, he was Lorded by Sirs Warblade and Jacobi from the Kingdom of the Golden Plains on the 14th of September, 2006 for his notable work within the Kingdom of Golden Plains.
- The first and so far only Sword Knight Idol.
Additional Images
More Information
- Personal Website
- Company Website