Arthur MacGregor
Upper Classman Squire Arthur "Sheep Friend" MacGregor of Eagleshire the Emerald Hills Khan of Oklahoma (Glorious Approved)
”I would say I'm sorry...But I'm not”
”Ya know what the worst thing about playing unicorn is? Telling your dad that you're gay.”
I am a pretty little princes! --Arthur, every time he smote someone at clan with his snazzy (and brutal) new Warlord Sports war pole. Arthur: 1. Ribs: 0.
"I find it insulting and downright fuckdiculous that you consider yourself an equal to me." --Arthur to some tard on esam
Arthur has played extensively in Colorado, most recently in the Northern Holdfast of the Iron Mountains. After joining the Navy, he was eventually stationed in San Diego, where he spread his love of ditch battles with the people of Siar Geata
Arthur currently resides on Tinker Air Force Base (Oklahoma) but makes the drive down to and considers himself a member of Eagleshire.
Affiliated Groups
- Member of Clan MacGregor
is a Goon
- Petitioner of the Wu_Tang Household
- Scapegoat of WWAD
- Grand Wizard of WWAD
- Sylvan Pride
Belted Family
- Dame Palan Torrid
- Dame Rabbitt Wallcrusher
- Squire Skalalayla
- Squire Aralorn MacGregor
- Upper Classmen Squire Arthur MacGregor
- Dame Rabbitt Wallcrusher
Arthur claims two Men at Arms. They are contested by another Squire, the gauntlet has been dropped.
- And taken up! Lucas is suing for full custody. The kids just haven't been the same since you walked out on us. You never call... you never write... and I have yet to see a single child support check, you good-for-nothing dead-beat! *sniff* --Lucas 15:47, 29 July 2009 (UTC)(who's feeling very emo-tional right now)
Life Line
Notable Accomplishments
- Master Monk - Given by Duke Grendel & Consort Orlando, December 2003
- Winner Weapon Master tourney 2008 Siar Geata
- Recipient of two Orders of the Fuck it.
Additional Images
Arthur moves at the speed of awesome:
Due to Arthur's general laissez faire attitude and personal mantra being "Fuck it"
in the summer of 2008 the monarchy of Siar Geata saw fit to grant him a fitting award.
Fuck It
That Arthur guy... he's good sheeple.
Sheep Suit
Arthur Hates you
He really hates you