Bellator Adamas
From AmtWiki
A fighting Company
Back row, left to right: Kord, Medryn, Talisin, Orin, Cruz, Cutari, Lief / Front row, left to right: Cullum, River, Takezu, Linden / Not pictured: Phocion, Guy, Glennin, Sai Fu
Bellator Adamas is a fighting company founded in the Iron Mountains with membership and pledges in several kingdoms. The company is dedicated to the idea of promoting excellence not only in ourselves, but in those around us as well.
Current Members
- Sir Guy Kasama
- Sir Cullum Eyrewolf Valinor
- Glennin Pentacles
- Dame Linden Tul
- Sir Medryn Harlequin
- Squire Sai Fu
- River Blackhand
- Sir Talisin Silverwolf
- MaA Orin
- Squire Korderellin
- Takezu no Wakagashira
- Sir Phocion
- Sir Randall Andalsa
- Squire Gwendair Tryst
- Sir Keluric Tryst
- Dame Cutari Roskara
Current Pledges
Previous Members