Legacy (household)

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The Legacy formally know as the Legacy of Lycanthropes, was found in the summer of 1998 in Golden Plains proper, By four guys who lived in the Barony of Dark Oasis under GP. These guys were, Smiley SpiritPaw, Erix Stogart, Viliabos, and Prog. Now of these four founders only one is still active in amtgard. Smiley SpiritPaw . Smiley SpiritPaw is the current Lord of the house. The house hold stretches through five different kingdoms. It has members from the likes of Sir Bearrug, Monkey,to Orgasmatron,Polar IcePaw and Trigger.

They consider them selves the best of the best. they are the best that the Amt. Lycanthrope race has to offer, and even some member are the best that Amtgard has to offer.

To see information about other groups in Amtgard please see the Household Page.